We spend a lot of time on Twitter. (We’re Tweetspeak Poetry, right?) In fact, we figure we read thousands of tweets every month. Sometimes, we read a tweet and say to ourselves, “That’s poetry.” We want to take notice.
Twitter Poetry: Spinning for Tickets for a Prayer Wheel 3
Six additional poems from the recent Tweetspeak Twitter poetry jam, with prompts taken from Annie Dillard’s “Tickets for a Prayer Wheel.”
Twitter Poetry: Spinning for Tickets for a Prayer Wheel 2
The next six poems edited from the recent Tweetspeak Twitter Poetry jam, with the prompts from Annie Dillard’s “Tickets for a Prayer Wheel.”
Twitter Poetry: Spinning Tickets for a Prayer Wheel
It was some Twitter poetry party. Get ready for a bank, some actors, fish, a scarlet waterfall, and bananas. Bananas?
A Ticket to National Poetry Month: Twitter Poetry Party
National Poetry Month starts Monday. Tweetspeak will be your go-to place for tickets to the best in poetry all month long. Your first ticket is one of our favorites: Tweetspeak will host a Twitter Poetry Party on Thursday, from 8:30-9:30 p.m. EST.
Poetry at Work: A Tweetspeak New Year’s Resolution
Glynn Young reflects on a particular kind of resolution, the kind that comes from commitment and determination–the kind that created Tweetspeak Poetry.
Twitter Poetry: Of Shells, Fireworks, and Novellas 2
For a moment in our recent TweetSpeak Twitter poetry jam, it appeared that @sethhaines might divert the flow of words into a ramble about a two-foot-long earthworm. But the poets resisted, barely, and all we left was an earthworm memory.
Twitter Poetry: Of Shells, Fireworks, and Novellas
Glynn Young has five new poems from the recent Tweetspeak Twitter poetry jam, with prompts from the novella “The Novelist.”
Did Someone Say Twitter Poetry Party?
You heard right. It’s that time again. Tweetspeak will host a Twitter Poetry Party on Tuesday, October 9, from 9:30-10:30 p.m. EST. Wonder how these things work? @tspoetry will provide a prompt — could be a thought, a line of poetry, a short quote or even a headline. You write a line of poetry on Twitter […]
Scenes from The Whipping Club 2
At our recent poetry jam on Twitter, we went into the woods, then to the ballroom, and then back to the woods. And we created five poems as a start. Now we have the next seven, and we’re deep into shoes, and shoelaces, and lace and gossamer (you can see the thread developing) and back […]
Scenes from The Whipping Club
It was another TweetSpeak Poetry Twitter party last Tuesday, and 13 intrepid souls braved the shock of their Twitter followers and tweeted away, creating lines of poetry. The prompts were all taken from The Whipping Club by Deborah Henry, the novel published by T.S. Poetry Press and listed as one of Oprah’s Hot Summer Reads. […]
May Play: Invitation
We’ll read your tweets and feature some plates of your weekly play each week. There’s nothing sweeter than sharing.
Tell Me More 2
After a brief hiatus, we’re resuming with the poems from TweetSpeak’s recent Twitter poetry party – that had 29 people participating and one lurker
Tell Me More, Tell Me More
Last Thursday night, some 29 people decided to “tell me more” and participated in Twitter poetry party.
NPR Tell Me More Twitter Poetry
NPR Tell Me More is calling for Twitter poetry. We’ve got a lot to share.
Fields of Red 5
Editing the tweets into poems is work — but it’s fun work.
Fields of Red 4
A (very) short primer on editing tweets from our Twitter poetry parties
Twitter Poetry: Fields of Red 3
A Twitter poetry party takes some interesting twists and turns, even with prompts.
Twitter Poetry: Fields of Red 2
Here are the next six poems from our recent Twitter poetry party.
Twitter Poetry: Fields of Red
Here are the first four Twitter poetry party poems, from a collection we’re calling “Fields of Red.”