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Tolkien I Workshop: Session 10 — The Hobbit, Book vs. Films
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Tolkien I Workshop: Session 9–Exploring The Backdrop of The Hobbit
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Tolkien I Workshop: Session 8–A Dragon, A Battle, A Homecoming
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Tolkien I Worshop: Session 7–Mr. Baggins Takes The Lead
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Tolkien I Workshop: Session 6—Mr. Baggins Goes On An Adventure
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Tolkien I Workshop: Session 5–Numenor and the Rise of Sauron
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Tolkien I Workshop: Session 4 — Romance, Tragedy, and Salvation in Middle-Earth
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Tolkien I Workshop: Session 3 — The Kingdoms of the Elves in Beleriand
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Tolkien 1 Workshop: Session 2 — The Creation of the Elves and Silmarils
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Tolkien 1 Workshop: Welcome & Session 1!
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Poetry Date: Sisters Read Tolkien and One Wears Dagger
Plan a poetry date with a friend, sibling, co-worker, lover. Choose a poet, a venue, a snack or a drink, and read to each other. Today’s date: Tolkien!
Reading and Writing Workshops: Tolkien I – The Silmarillion, The Hobbit, & Tolkien Life
Are you a lover of Tolkien who wants to learn more about the depths of his mythology? This workshop is for you!