There were so many great conversations, visual and verbal, offered up for this month’s collaborative prompt between The High Calling’s PhotoPlay and Random Acts of Poetry.
Let’s Talk in Pictures
The sestina is a perfect form for conversation.
Write Poetry for Books & Culture
Want to write poetry for Books & Culture?
What Color is Your Poem?
Our featured poet and photographer for the color writing and photography prompt.
Cataloging the Color of Your World
Can you write a color poem? We’ll feature two here and at The High Calling.
This is What a Poem’s Worth
Poems are everywhere, free for the taking. Yet they are worth so much.
What’s a Poem Worth?
What can you find for 99¢? We want to see.
Not Even the Poem
A poem that plays on R words. But maybe all good poems are plays on words.
Writing from Words
Find your poems-in-waiting, in these Wordles.
The Ghosts This Time of Year
A tradition fallen out of fashion, I find it a shame we’re not often telling ghost stories at Christmas time.