Two poets – Megan Fernandes and Sandra Marchetti – write words that linger in the memory long after the books are closed.
Poets and Poems: Susan Lewis
Poet Susan Lewis asks how we can fully understand each other, and she does it within the frameworks of both prose poetry and the more familiar verse form.
Poetic Voices: Rachel Heimowitz and J.L. Jacobs
In recent collections Rachel Heimowitz and J.L. Jacobs deal with the sense of place – contemporary Israel and the places of childhood and imagination.
Poetic Voices: Jehanne Dubrow and Sally Kindred
Jehanne Dubrow uses form and substance for the poems of “The Arranged Marriage, ” while Sally Rosen Kindred uses the metaphor of flowers in Book of Asters.
Poets and Poems: Sarah Blake and “Mr. West”
Poet Sarah Blake wrote 46 poems about rapper Kanye West, an “unauthorized biography” that speaks profoundly about popular culture today.
Poetic Voices: Sheila Squillante and Jessica Goodfellow
The poetry of both Sheila Squillante and Jessica Goodfellow presents the familiar in completely new terms, clarifying or uncovering insights and ideas.
Poetic Voices: Allison Carter and Maggie Smith
Allison Carter explores echoes and space, calling them ghosts, while poet Maggie Smith creates fables for contemporary readers.
Poets and Poems: Wendell Berry and “Terrapin”
The poems of “Terrapin and Other Poems” by Wendell Berry contain an essential and childlike innocence; the illustrations by Tom Pohrt match that innocence.
Poetic Voices: Susan Lewis and Katherine Hoerth
Susan Lewis and Katharine Hoerth approach poetry from two different directions: Lewis with the prose poem form and Hoerth anchored in geography.
Poetic Voices: Karen Paul Holmes and Claire Trevien
Karen Paul Holmes and Claire Trevien examine marriage failure and the problems of living in a shipwrecked house, respectively, in recent poetry collections.
Poetic Voices: Jessica Goodfellow and Michalle Gould
Jessica Goodfellow tackles the poetry of natural elements, while Michalle Gould consider the artistic imagination engaging the meaning of death.
Poets and Poems: Daniel Bowman Jr.’s “A Plum Tree in Leatherstocking Country”
“A Plum Tree in Leatherstocking Country” by Daniel Bowman a beautiful collection, poems of quiet, reflection, and memory.
Poets and Poems: Tania Pryputniewicz and “November Butterfly”
“November Butterfly” by Tania Pryputniewicz does what often only poetry can do – rework a familiar subject into a different (and intriguing) understanding.
Poets and Poems: Jeannine Hall Gailey and “The Robot Scientist’s Daughter”
“The Robot Scientist’s Daughter” by Jeannine Hall Gailey is a story of point-counterpoint of nature and technology, and the bargain we make between them.
Poets and Poems: Brian Felsen and “Female Figure (Possibly Venus)”
“Female Figure (Possibly Venus)” by Brian Felsen is a collection of twenty-two poems that explores love, relationships and the artistic imagination.
Poets and Poems: The Great Indian Poetry Collective
The Great Indian Poetry Collective is a new literary venture specializing in new poetry from India. Two of its poetry collections show how.
Poets and Poems: Claudia Rankine and “Citizen”
The poems by Claudia Rankine in “Citizen” startle and confront. They challenge ways of being, thought, interactions between people. And what all of this means in the context of skin color.
Poets and Poems: Willie Perdomo and Saeed Jones
Two finalists for the National Book Critics Circle Award for poetry, Willie Perdomo and Saeed Jones, have produced poems of music, remembrance and pain.
Poets and Poems: Christian Wiman and “Once in the West”
Christian Wiman grew up in West Texas, and the poems of his “Once in the West” reflect that upbringing and geography.
Poets and Poems: Jake Adam York and “Abide”
Published posthumously, “Abide” is Jake Adam York’s continued memorial to the 126 people who died from 1954 to 1968 in the civil rights movement.