Every Day Poems is now on Twitter. Join us?
Rumors of a Blue Geography
It was another Twitter Poetry party, and this one started with a few rumors.
My Last Villanelle
I admire a well-executed villanelle in the same way I admire a Baroque Tromp-l’oeil ceiling
A Top 10 Poetry Christmas List
What’s on your poetry Christmas list?
I See You in There: the Villanelle
Like most poetry built on refrains, the villanelle steers away from narrative ideals, away from conversation and linear exchange
Anna of the Russias
Akhmatova herself should not be forgotten
Stories of the Bees: Bee Poems
At the Twitter poetry party, we got into bees and moons and ants and rosaries and all manner of things
Twitter Party Tonight: Write with Anne Overstreet
Tonight, September 20, at 9 pm EST, please join us for an evening of improv poetry with Anne M. Doe Overstreet. Here is our standard explanation of a Twitter poetry party 🙂 : The rules are simple because there aren’t any. Well, maybe one (the hashtag). We announce a Twitter Party date and time; party […]
Donald Hall’s “The Back Chamber”
From the time I was 8 until I was 14, I spent a week each summer at my grandmother’s house in Shreveport. I would sleep in the second bedroom, which was always called “the back room” even though it and my grandmother’s bedroom formed the back of the house. It was the room with a […]
The Kingdom Comes III
Below are five additional poems from our recent poetry jam on Twitter. I call these our Kansas phase. All prompts came from Kingdom Come: Poems by John Estes. The Kingdom Comes III By @llbarkat, @SandraHeskaKing, @gyoung9751, @jestes, @Doallas, @jejpoet, @CeliaNickel1, @togetherforgood, @PensieveRobin, @kellysauer, @sethhaines, @theeagleacademy, @mdgoodyear, and @elizabethesther. Edited by @gyoung9751. I came to Kansas […]
The Kingdom Comes II
Here are the next six poems taken from our recent TweetSpeak Poetry jam on Twitter. All the prompts were lines from Kingdom Come: Poems by John Estes. The Kingdom Comes II By @llbarkat, @SandraHeskaKing, @gyoung9751, @jestes, @Doallas, @jejpoet, @CeliaNickel1, @togetherforgood, @PensieveRobin, @kellysauer, @sethhaines, @theeagleacademy, @mdgoodyear, and @elizabethesther. Edited by @gyoung9751. I sailed a galleon, a […]
The Kingdom Comes I
This past Tueday, TweetSpeak Poetry hosted another poetry jam on Twitter. Fourteen intrepid souls participated, jamming to the prompts from Kingdom Come: Poems by John Estes. And the poet himself joined us, and at the end offered this observation: “The poetry-tweet-jam is a thing like no other. An exquisite corpse on ritalin. Nice invention.” We […]
Twitter Party TONIGHT, Tuesday, 9 pm EST
At this month’s Twitter poetry party, you’ll get the chance to write with poet John Estes.
Anne Overstreet: Influences and Faith
In June, poet Anne Overstreet published her first collection of poems, entitled Delicate Machinery Suspended: Poems. It is about memory and faith, affection and love, work done and work done well, and even playfulness. The poems are about a life observed, but also a life to come. It’s a beautiful work.
The Cinnamon Beetle 5
Below are five poems and five fragments pulled from our recent Twitter poetry party.
The Cinnamon Beetle 4
Our recent Twitter poetry party swirled around oceans and ashes, a drive down side roads, the telephone and how something as mundane as burning the toast becomes something else again.
The Village Watched: A Random Act of Poetry
There were so many great conversations, visual and verbal, offered up for this month’s collaborative prompt between The High Calling’s PhotoPlay and Random Acts of Poetry.
Let’s Talk in Pictures
The sestina is a perfect form for conversation.
The Cinnamon Beetle 3
We now have an additional seven poems from our recent Twitter poetry party.
Pick Up Six—Or How One Poet Teases Another
I met him by email, and before I knew what was happening, James Cummins had challenged me to a game of six. Six words he chose, which I was charged to use as end-words in a sestina.