Karen Swallow Prior considers the poetry of the tree, from Joyce Kilmer’s ‘Trees’ to ‘The Dream of the Rood.’
June Jazz: Dance
Jazz is what happens to all of us — when somebody jumps out of her box.
June Jazz: ‘Sweet Jazz O’ Mine’
Jazz great Art Blakey #once said, “Music washes away the dust of every day life.” With a pair of drumsticks, he did just that, uncovering a new style of bebop drumming. He gave music a new shine.
Poetry scrubs us down with a back-and-forth hygiene, too.
Taboo: Writing the Trees
Like many writers I know, I keep a taboo list. Nothing too long or formal, this is simply a list of words I must not write—at least at first, when beginning a new piece. Trees are there on my taboo list right now.
This Week’s Top 10 Poetic Picks
The best in poetry, (and poetic things), this week with Matthew Kreider.
May Play: Results
May Play began with a chance conversation with the owner of a candy shop.
Guaranteed Disease-Resistant
There was nothing like roses. I was addicted.
June Jazz: Improv
Light pours through the west end and floods the wooden floors of our home. James is in the front room, dancing. His clunky, horse-like heels stomp to a syncopated rhythm, following the dizzy-eyed direction of his four-year-old vision, rather than my music.
This Week’s Top 10 Poetic Picks
The best in poetry (and poetic things), this week with Kimberlee Conway Ireton. 1 Art I’ve been reading Emily Dickinson’s poetry to my kids. I love her simple, spare, evocative verse. So I was captivated by The Little White House Project, brain child and love labor of a 17-year-old boy. The 5-acre art installation is […]
The Artist’s Way: Currents
She requires a choice with every chapter. Will I sit with the pelicans and snag the easy fish, or let the current take me clear to the ocean?
Eric Roberts on How to Make Book Love
Eric Roberts, on how to make book love and The Whipping Club.
A Vintage Journey I Didn’t Expect
With all the upheaval in the publishing industry because of ebooks, at least one positive development has resulted: we have the opportunity to read things we might not have otherwise. A case in point: my Kindle version of Wessex Poems and Other Verses by Thomas Hardy. Kindle price: free, part of the volunteer project to […]
May Play: Stretching
Sometimes we start poetry with a history of strains and tight muscles. For many of us, this month’s May Play felt like therapy, a chance to purge ourselves of some lactic acid and develop more elasticity.
Image-ine: The Meeting
I want her in front of my lens I realise as we drive away. She is poetry in a body.
This Week’s Top 10 Poetic Picks
The best in poetry, (and poetic things), this week with Matthew Kreider
The Artist’s Way: Safety
One of our chief needs as creative beings is support. Unfortunately, this can be hard to come by.
The Poet Who Wasn’t
Carlos Fuentes died last week, a writer with a poet’s heart who didn’t write poetry.
May Play: Conversations
Leah wasn’t quite ready to play. Sharing her poetry still felt like a risk.
A few months ago she discovered Every Day Poems and began clicking around. She spent $2.99 on our poetry daily subscription. She found intriguing writing prompts and colorful features. Most importantly, she encountered conversations.
By Any Other Name
My interest in roses took a turn three years ago, however, when Sharon and I lost our home to a wildfire on the outskirts of Santa Barbara and temporarily rented a place in town near the old mission.
Top Ten Poetic Picks
The best in poetry (and poetic things), this week with Kimberlee Conway Ireton.