Kimani is a four-year-old girl with Down syndrome and a brain injury. She is visually impaired, wildly impulsive, and very cute. In this collection, she paints herself from the inside out.
Poetry Classroom: Public Safety Film
In the poetry classroom, you are invited to discuss the poems—their forms, images, sounds, meanings, surprises—and write your own poems along the way.
January Poetry Prompt: Coffee or Tea? Hallelujah, Rosie Lea!
Welcome to a new year here at Tweetspeak Poetry. With this new year comes a new series of Monday poetry prompts to help you get your week started right! If you’ve been with us for a while, you know the drill–I’ll provide a writing prompt touching on Tweetspeak’s monthly theme, and you’ll compose a poem to […]
Video Poem: This is What Tomorrow Looks Like
On a train from Sydney to Melbourne, four family members each write a short poem with the same title.
Sweet Bloggers Roundup: WordCandy from Tumblr
We round up the month’s posts from our WordCandy 100 Sweet Bloggers.
Image-ine: Jewel of Winter
Maureen Doallas and Kelly Sauer turn up a sweet, juicy bit of visual poetry together.
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
The best in poetry (and poetic things), this week with Seth Haines. 1 Art There is a split of authority in my house. I tend to identify with the poetry of William Carlos Williams—so much depends upon that red wheelbarrow. I imagine the objects of Williams’ poetry, perhaps attaching a bit of unwarranted sentimentality or nostalgia […]
Dream Resolution: Follow & Promote Poetry
We dream of a world where poetry can be found everywhere. If we could send poetry to the moon, we’d probably do that too. Help us share poetry everywhere in cyberspace?
New Year’s: Resolutions Poem
A resolutions poem from Anne M. Doe Overstreet for the New Year.
Poetry at Work: A Tweetspeak New Year’s Resolution
Glynn Young reflects on a particular kind of resolution, the kind that comes from commitment and determination–the kind that created Tweetspeak Poetry.
Our Favorites from the 2012 Poetry Themes
Every month, we arrange the way we play poetry around a particular theme. You’ll see it in the artful content from our contributing writers, hear it in our inspiring thematic Spotify playlists, put your hands on it in the Monday morning poetry prompts, or experience it in the daily offerings from Every Day Poems. Here are our favorites from 2012.
The Poetry of Riffraff
It’s not a new thing for a poet to take common everyday things, the riffraff of our lives, and use them to signify or explain something larger. Glynn Young reviews Stephen Cushman’s “Riffraff: Poems” with special attention to the unique ways Cushman makes something of the riffraff.
This Year’s Top 10 Top 10 Poetic Picks
The editors have culled our very favorite links from our weekly Top 10 Poetic Picks from 2012.
The Art and Music of “Four Quartets” by T.S. Eliot
“Go, go, go, said the bird: human kind / cannot bear very much reality.” Glynn Young recalls his first reading of Four Quartets, which T.S. Eliot wrote over six years, the last three poems during the London Blitz.
Poem: Ghost of Christmas Present
A poem for Christmas by L.L. Barkat: Ghost of Christmas Present.
Come Again: Teaching Poetry to Children
Ann Kroeker reflects on teaching poetry to her children through such simple routines and rituals as reading poetry at the dinner table.
Poetry and Great Quotes on Beautiful Cards
Need a last-minute holiday card? Love note? Flirt note? Way to encourage? We’ve got a beautiful selection of ready-made cards with great quotes, at our new WordCandy Tumblr. From Tolkien to Neruda, Teasdale to Adrienne Rich, we’ve got quotes to suit your special taste. Pick and go. It’s free and beautiful. Share via Facebook, Twitter, […]
Mass at Notre-Dame (or, How to Write a Found Poem)
Using a paragraph of prose from Kristin LeMay’s “I Told My Soul To Sing, ” Kimberlee Conway Ireton crafts — and explains how to write — a found poem.
Audio Excerpt: The Novelist by L.L. Barkat
An audio excerpt from L.L. Barkat’s The Novelist: a novella featuring the delightful voice of Claire Burge.
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
Haiku chains, Haiku Brew, haiku reflections on a community street. Will Willingham has a haiku-ridden edition of our Top Ten Poetic Picks.