It’s not just a poetry prompt — it’s the pet door to an adventure. Journey along as we live vicariously through dog tales of excitement and suspense.
The Best in Poetry: This Month’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
The literary novel might be dead, how to get Stephen King’s royalties, wrestling Ulysses and haiku-izing your status update. It’s our Top Ten Poetic Picks.
Anna Akhmatova and the Poetry of Resilience
Russian poet Anna Akhmatova experienced personal tragedy, war, revolution, civil war, and Stalinist repression, and still wrote haunting poetry.
Photography Prompts: Faithful Dog Photo Play 2
We received several heart-warming submissions for our photography prompts. Visit our family dog album, pick your favorite, and respond with a poem.
Twitter Poems: Top Ten Poetic Tweets
See any good poetry on Twitter lately? We see it every day. Here are ten of the best Twitter poems we’ve seen lately.
Poets and Poems: Thomas Merton and “In the Dark Before Dawn”
Thomas Merton continues to exert a significant pull on the imagination, the intellect, and the conscience.
Photography Prompts: Puppy Dog Eyes Photo Play
Taking good pet photographs takes practice. Our photography prompts are here to help. Bring your camera and dog along with us for a little Photo Play!
Tweetspeak Poetry’s Top Ten Posts from the Last Month (or so)
What are we reading at Tweetspeak Poetry? Catch up on the top posts from last month (or so).
Take Your Poet to Work: Langston Hughes
Be the envy of your coworkers when you bring Langston Hughes to the office with you for Take Your Poet to Work Day on July 16. He’s our first poet of 2014.
Maya Angelou: The Poetry and Life of Reinvention
Maya Angelou was an unlikely candidate for literary success. But she reinvented herself, more than once.
Dog Songs: Poetry Prompt & Playlist
We cannot imagine a world without dogs and the joy they bring. Check out our new playlist and poetry prompt. Come sing (or howl) a few Dog Songs with us.
Poetry for Life. Start Here.
How do you go about changing lives with poetry? One student, one class at a time. Poetry for Life can start here.
Take Your Poet to Work Day is Coming
Take Your Poet to Work Day is coming July 16. We have a brand new crew of poets that are eager for the chance to go to work with you.
Poets and Poems: Ron Padgett and “Collected Poems”
“Collected Poems” by Ron Padgett covers more than 50 years of work, summing up a life lived in the creation of poetry.
Baby, Baby Poetry Prompt: The Short Years
The time between infancy and adulthood are but a blink. Come along as we examine The Short Years, courtesy of our Baby, Baby Poetry Prompt.
Top 8 “Poetry at Work” Sightings in New York City
Where have you seen poetry at work? Thanks to Nancy Franson and Michelle Ortega, we spotted Glynn Young’s “Poetry at Work” around New York City.
Poetry at Work: Baking Bread
Find poetry at work in the baking of bread: it’s swimming in the yeast, sticking to the bowl, rising in the pan.
Poets and Poems: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and “Prussian Nights”
“Prussian Nights” by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn reminds us that victory in war doesn’t automatically mean moral superiority over an enemy.
Photo Prompts: Baby Face Photo Play 2
Join us for our Baby Face Photo Prompts follow-up and be stirred by the collection of photographs and poetry, steeped in back story. Come write yours.
The Best in Poetry: This Month’s Top Ten Poetic Picks + Emily
Artful chocolate, famous punk authors, poetry in the supermarket, and how to not write a novel. It’s the best in poetry: our monthly Top Ten Poetic Picks.