In “The Carrying,” poet Ada Limón takes the commonplace and turns it into reflections and meditations that are both personal and universal.
Poetry Prompt: It’s the Setting
What role does setting play in your poetry? Join author Callie Feyen as she explores how setting can be used to move our writing forward.
Poets and Poems: Sr. Sharon Hunter and “To Shatter Glass”
The 56 poems of “To Shatter Glass” by Sr. Sharon Hunter strive to make sense of a life filled with pain, grief, and suffering.
Sitting in ‘Mildred’s Garden’ with Laura Boggess
“Mildred’s Garden” by Laura Boggess combines music, poetry, the beauty of West Virginia, and a refugee story into a delight of a novel.
Poets and Poems: Peter A and ‘Art of Insomnia’
The poems of “Art of Insomnia” by Peter A tell the story of a profound grief, a loss so devastating that the poet questions his existence.
Poets and Poems: Andrew Benson Brown and “Legends of Liberty”
“Legends of Liberty” by Andrew Benson Brown is part epic, mock-epic, historical fact and invention, and all sheer fun.
‘Spoon River America’: Jason Stacy on the Myth of the Small Town
“Spoon River America” by Jason Stacy explains how the myth of the small Midwestern town supplanted the myth of the New England village.
Poetry Prompt: Love In Algebra
Join author Callie Feyen for a poetry prompt as she considers the many ways (some mathematical) to say, “I love you.”
Poets and Poems: Thomas Colquith and ‘Let Our Memories Escape’
“Let Our Memories Escape” by poet Thomas Colquith demonstrates that time is the theme running through all aspects of our lives.
Poetry Prompt: Writing Letters of Three
Join author Callie Feyen for a poetry prompt as she thinks about an idea for teaching, but chooses instead to pick hydrangeas.
Poets and Poems: Iain Thomas and ‘The Truth of You’
“The Truth of You,” a new poetry collection by writer and poet Iain Thomas, is an affirmation of both love and life.
Poets and Poems: Yrsa Daley-Ward and ‘bone’
The poems of “bone” by Yrsa Daley-Ward create discomfort, jolting the reader into an awareness of a very different and personal experience.
Poetry Prompt: Of Plagues and Emergence
Join author Callie Feyen for a poetry prompt about an unexpected emergence and what to do now with this plague and need.
Poets and Poems: Atticus and ‘The Dark Between Stars’
“The Dark Between Stars: Poems” by the Instagram poet Atticus takes the reader on a visual journey to love lost and love found.
Poetry Prompt: Small Things—Quivering Carrot Leaves and Trampled Daisies
The big things in our lives can often be best written by focusing on small things. Join us for a poetry prompt about how to say it plainly.
Poets and Poems: Paul Willis and ‘Somewhere to Follow’
“Somewhere to Follow,” the new poetry collection by Paul Willis, invites the reader to find the sacred in the everyday.
Poetry Prompt: The Poetry of Ordinary Time
What magic can you find in your ordinary life, during ordinary time? Join Callie Feyen for a poetry prompt about the magic in the ordinary.
Poets and Poems: Dan Rattelle and “The Commonwealth”
In the simple, spare poems of “The Commonwealth,” Dan Rattelle explores the ideas of place and community, taken in their broadest sense.
Poets and Poems: Carl Phillips and “Pale Colors in a Tall Field”
“Pale Colors in a Tall Field” by Carl Phillips invites you into a dream, asking unexpected if important questions.
Poetry Prompt: So Many Other Better Things To Do
Callie Feyen finds poetry for the crisis, both external and internal. Join her for a summer poetry prompt about what to do besides worry.