The aisling poem is a vision or dream poem that features a woman as one of its central images. Come pen an aisling with us. We might feature your poem!
Poetry Prompt: Color Palette & Aestheticism
What is aestheticism? Learn a little about this movement in art and literature. Then call on color to create a beautiful poem of your own.
Poetry Prompt: Abstract Poetry
Abstract poetry is the perfect kind of verse to write as a form of playing with words, to shake loose your inner poetic style.
Poetry Prompt: Beginning “Ab Ovo” or “From the Egg”
Sometimes it’s best to start your poem in the middle of things, but sometimes it can also be intriguing to begin ab ovo (“from the egg”)!
From A to Z, the Abecedarian Isn’t Just for Chaucer—Poetry Prompt!
Get your Medieval Vibes on and craft an abecedarian poem. How is this A-Z poem different from an acrostic? Read on to find out. Plus try the poetry prompt.