How many ways can you look at a mistake? Join Callie Feyen and take your mistake out for a walk. And write a poem about the process.
Poetry Prompt: A Not-Yet Valentine
This week join author Callie Feyen as she writes a Valentine poem for people who aren’t Romeo and Juliet. Yet.
Hermit Crab Essay 003: Directions for Metaphor
Join Callie Feyen as she seeks directions for metaphor, accompanied by her high school daughter and the high school parking lot.
Poetry Prompt: Be Your Own Professor — Haiku for Understanding
Something magical can happen when you read a challenging story and then become your own professor — with a summary and haiku.
Poetry Prompt: Song Title Poetry
Try writing Song Title Poetry! All you need is a pad of sticky notes, a playlist of favorite songs, and your imagination.
50 States of Generosity: North Carolina
We continue our 50 States of Generosity series with a focus on North Carolina and its Christmas trees, especially the popular Fraser fir.
Poetry Prompt: Banquet Poems
How can poetry be found in uncomfortable situations? Join author Callie Feyen (and some spiders) at a high school sports banquet.
Poet Laura: Where I’m From
Meet Tweetspeak’s new Poet Laura, who is not named Laura and is not “that kind” of Karen. Karen Paul Holmes introduces herself with a Where I’m From prompt.
Poetry Prompt: It’s the Setting
What role does setting play in your poetry? Join author Callie Feyen as she explores how setting can be used to move our writing forward.
Poetry Prompt: Homecoming Poems
Join author Callie Feyen as she considers the romantic struggle that is Homecoming and offers a poetry prompt about rites of passage.
Poetry Prompt: Dickinson the Series & Code Poems
Join author Callie Feyen as she watches Dickinson the Series, tries to crack the code of a Dickinson poem, and invites you to write your own code poem.
Poetry Prompt: Poems on the Writing Life
Poems on the Writing Life start with life—whether real or imagined. Take a walk with author Callie Feyen and find your “writing life” poems!
Poetry Prompt: Love In Algebra
Join author Callie Feyen for a poetry prompt as she considers the many ways (some mathematical) to say, “I love you.”
Poetry Prompt: Writing Letters of Three
Join author Callie Feyen for a poetry prompt as she thinks about an idea for teaching, but chooses instead to pick hydrangeas.
Poetry Prompt: Of Plagues and Emergence
Join author Callie Feyen for a poetry prompt about an unexpected emergence and what to do now with this plague and need.
Poetry Prompt: Small Things—Quivering Carrot Leaves and Trampled Daisies
The big things in our lives can often be best written by focusing on small things. Join us for a poetry prompt about how to say it plainly.
Poetry Prompt: The Poetry of Ordinary Time
What magic can you find in your ordinary life, during ordinary time? Join Callie Feyen for a poetry prompt about the magic in the ordinary.
Poetry Prompt: So Many Other Better Things To Do
Callie Feyen finds poetry for the crisis, both external and internal. Join her for a summer poetry prompt about what to do besides worry.
Poetry Prompt: Name Poems
What stories does your name hold, and how do they shape who you are and how you live? Join Callie Feyen for a name poems prompt.
Poetry Prompt: Peonies on How To Open Up
Join author Callie Feyen as she explores what it means to open ourselves up in this world. Just like the peonies.