Ever wish you could take your favorite poet to work? Now you can. Edgar Allan Poe joins our featured poets for Take Your Poet to Work Day on July 17.
Last Month’s Top Ten Posts on Tweetspeak Poetry
What are we reading at Tweetspeak Poetry? Catch up on the top posts from last month.
Rock ‘n Roll Lyrics: Poetry Prompt
Get your lyrics on and write a rock ‘n roll poem. Read one too, with an SRV.
Poetry Classroom: Something to Amaze
Welcome to the poetry classroom. Come discuss the effects of cataloging, sound, and subtle visuals.
Take Your Poet to Work: Rumi
Ever wish you could take your favorite poet along with you to work? You know, have Rumi help you mix the chemicals for that lab experiment you’re working on. Or serve up a poet on a stick along with the sandwiches to your lunch customers. With Take Your Poet to Work Day just around the corner, now you can.
Poetry Classroom: Killdeer
Welcome to the poetry classroom! Come discuss “Killdeer.”
The Poetree: An Afternoon Well-Spent
How creating a “poetree” can do what poetry at its best does: calls attention to the present, the beauty and joy and wonder and gut-wrenching glory of it.
Poet Focus: Marianne Moore
For all of her modernist associations, Marianne Moore’s poetry didn’t exactly fit the category. There’s a richness, almost a lushness, in many of her poems that’s absent from the moderns. She ranged over history and literature — Rome and Greece, Britain and Ireland, and America — as well as music and the natural world.
Poetry Classroom: Anniversary Coffee
Welcome to the poetry classroom. Today we’re discussing Anniversary Coffee. Is it a good cup? Let’s drink up and see.
Poetry Classroom: Extra Towels
Welcome to our Poetry Classroom. This week we’re discussing luxurious towels. Or are we?
Poetry Classroom: After
Want a great poetry discussion? Start with simple breathing.
Poetry Classroom: Meteorology
Welcome to our poetry classroom with Marjorie Maddox Hafer. Today we’re discussing the relief in a storm.
Poetry Classroom: Mohawk January
Come discuss poetry with us. Today’s poem includes the Mohawk Valley.
Poetry Classroom: Directions
Head right through the toothed wheel, through going home, through can’t go home again? It’s Poetry Classroom time.
Fiction Friday (on Wednesday): Star Trek Encounter
Writing short fiction is a marvelous playground for the poet to develop the essential ingredients of great poems. Try your hand at our “encounter” prompt today.
Poetry Classroom: April Poem
Welcome to this month’s poetry classroom. Today we’re discussing ‘April Poem’ with poet Daniel Bowman.
Poetry Classroom: Walking Through the Dream
Welcome to this month’s poetry classroom with Daniel Bowman. Today we’re discussing walking through the dream of a stranger.
10 Fun Shakespeare Resources Online
In honor of William Shakespeare’s birthday, enjoy this fun collection of Shakespeare resources from around the web.
Poetry Classroom: The Night Sky
Welcome to this month’s poetry classroom, with Paula J. Lambert. Today we’re talking about the night sky as a time machine.
Poetry Classroom: Only So Much a Poem
Welcome to this month’s poetry classroom, with Paula J. Lambert. Today’s discussion: “There’s only so much a poem can hold.”