Be a tattoo that has had to share the body that bears it. How do you feel about the other tattoos?
Poetry Classroom: Four Sarabandes—Yo-Yo Ma
Come discuss the Yo-Yo Ma section of “Four Sarabandes, ” in today’s poetry classroom.
Poetry Classroom: Kansas
Our poetry classroom features an Americana poem: “Kansas.” Discuss with the poet!
Tattoo Poetry: Ode on a Grecian Urn Prompt
Tattoo poetry is permanent poetry—captured by the body that bears it. There’s a sense in which it is locked in time and form, much the way the painted Greek lovers were perpetually locked to the vase in “Ode on a Grecian Urn.”
Poetry Classroom: Iowa Tocatta
Welcome to this month’s poetry classroom, with poet and professor David Wright. Come discuss “Iowa” at Tweetspeak Poetry.
Tattoo Poetry: The Ink’s Journey Prompt
Tattoo poetry is *ink transforming*—telling a story or covering one, or giving a person something to live into that is yet untold.
Poetry Classroom: Violin at Sea
Welcome to the poetry classroom. Today we’re discussing “Violin at Sea.”
Poetry Classroom: Bach Learns to Love the Masses
Welcome to this month’s poetry classroom. Today, dip into a poetic fugue.
Best Tattoo Songs: Plus, Poetry
To kick off this month’s new Tattoo poetry theme, we gathered a list of the best tattoo songs we could find.
Top 10 Funny Poems
What makes for funny poems? Maybe the same things that make any writing funny. Enjoy a laugh and these ten funny poems.
Walk to Work with a Poet: The Wallace Stevens Walk
Take the Wallace Stevens Walk with us, following the stones engraved with the stanzas of “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird” in Hartford, Connecticut.
Bottled & Canned: A Secret Poetry Prompt
Think of a secret you want or need to preserve. Put it in a bottle or can. Will it go in easily? This is poetry. We don’t need to know the actual secret.
Bottled & Canned: A Keeping Poetry Prompt
Have you ever found a bottle worth keeping? Have you ever collected a whole colorful line? Put it in poetry.
Bottles & Cans: A Playlist and Poetry Prompt
Can you put bottles and cans in your poems? Join us for our new Bottled & Canned theme, and a brand new playlist and poetry prompt.
Operation Poetry Dare: For the Love
Can poetry be taught or learned? Or is it a relationship one enters into? Nancy Franson continues her experimental reading in the Poetry Dare. Settle down now. Drink some cranberry juice.
Poetry Classroom: Nuthatch
It’s poetry’s fault, this feathered specificity. Birds can’t be just birds anymore.
Rock ‘n Roll Poetry Prompt: Rock in Place
Rock ‘n roll poetry prompt takes you back to the car, the basement, or even the closet.
Operation Poetry Dare: I Can’t Dance to It
Nancy Franson continues her experimental poetry dare, trying to work out the rhythm of a new dance partner.
Poetry Classroom: The Painted Lady and the Thistle
Welcome to this month’s poetry classroom, with poet and professor Julie L. Moore. Come discuss a painted lady and Adam.
Rock ‘n Roll Poetry Prompt: Blue Suede Shoes
What kinda shoes rock you? Put ’em in a poem, and rock us too.