Explore a bit more closely, the atmosphere you call home. Join our community for this week’s poetry prompt. Share, read, and be inspired.
Poetry Prompt: Wind, What’s Your Name?
There are names for each bluster, gust, & breeze that blows through nearly every corner of the world. Capture the wind, name it, & write a poem. Join us!
Photo Play 2: Air, Breath, Wind
We invite you to explore the photographs shared by our community & write a poem inspired by what you see. Drift with the breeze & join us for Photo Play 2.
Photo Play: Air, Breath, Wind
Everything needs a little room to breathe. Join us as we explore air, breath, wind. It’s time for Photo Play!
Top Ten National Poetry Month Books and Tools!
Looking for the best National Poetry Month books and tools? From Billy Collins to haiku, from sonnets to cinnamon & jealous poem stacks, this list entices!
Air, Breath, Wind Playlist & Prompt
From In the Air Tonight to Just Breathe, this month’s playlist is a whirlwind assortment of classic songs and new-found favorites. Join us!
The Poet is In: Ask Us Anything About Poetry
You have poetry questions. We have (some) poetry answers—and questions of our own. Join our latest discussion!
Poetry Prompt: Imaginary & Fantastical Creatures
Our poetry prompt invites you to design an extraordinary beast of your own imagination. “O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!” Explore nonsense poetry with us.
Photo Play 2: Fairy Tale and Fantasy
Explore the Photo Play contributions from our community. Jump into our fairy tale storybook and share your poetry magic with us!
Photo Play & Prompt: Fairy Tale and Fantasy
If we look closely, fairy tale images can be found all around us. So snap an enchanting photograph or write a poem & join us for a little Photo Play magic!
Get in Our E-Book: Every Day Ideas
When you dip into your Every Day Poems to find lines for poem starters, you could get published in our upcoming Every Day Ideas 2015 ebook.
Fairy Tale & Fantasy Playlist and Prompt
Our new Fairy Tale & Fantasy Playlist and Prompt is a fantastical journey to the kingdom of make-believe. Listen along and write a storybook poem with us.
Poetry Prompt: Cookie of Good Fortune
We think every cookie is full of good luck. Especially when they’re chocolate chip! Join our poetry prompt & bake up your own cookie of good fortune.
The Poet is In: Let’s Talk Sentimental Poetry
You wanted to know what makes for sentimental poetry. We’re here to answer that question and raise a few questions of our own.
Bread, Pastries, & Pies: Photo Play 2
Explore the Photo Play 2 contributions from our community. Share your made-from-scratch poem inspired by all the different Bread, Pastries, & Pies you see.
Photo Play: Bread, Pastries, and Pies
Food photography can be poetry for the eyes, especially when its Bread, Pastries, & Pies. Join us as we pass around the baked goods. It’s Photo Play time!
The Poet is In: Ask Us Anything About Poetry!
You’ve got poetry questions. We’ve got award-winning poets and poetry reviewers. Ask us anything about poetry! The Poet is in, ready to answer.
Bread, Pastries, Pies Playlist & Prompt
This month’s playlist is a mouth-watering buffet of sweet musical delights. Listen along, share a pastry poem, and think about your New Year’s diet later.
Make Me Laugh Poetry Prompt: Funny Haiku
The simple structure of haiku lends itself to a lot of witty potential. Join us for our Hilarious Haiku poetry prompt, write a funny haiku and share it!
Poetry Prompt: Funniest Family Gatherings
Celebrate those unforgettable occasions with all the characters that make up a family. Join us for Funniest Family Gatherings. Share a poem & a few laughs.