Pick your chair, have a seat and write some poetry with us about life around the family table. There are plenty of stories to share.
Motherhood: Family Ties Poetry Prompt
There are no deeper family ties than that between a mother and child. This week’s poetry prompt invites you to read poems from the perspective of an adult child yearning to be rocked to sleep once again; and the perspective of a mother with grown children, enchanted by memory. Let these poems inspire you to write your own poetry about the family ties of motherhood.
Fatherhood: Family Ties Poetry Prompt
Our fathers are an important part of who we have become. This is not lost on poets, as many have written poems on fatherhood. Come along with us and read some poetry about fathers, then write your own heartfelt or hilarious poem.
Birth Order: Family Ties Poetry Prompt
Siblings have their own system of organization and some argue that it shapes many of their characteristics. Consider this an opportunity to have fun and write some silly sibling poetry. We won’t tattle on you.
Mending Wall: Poetry Prompt
Looking at Robert Frost’s poem “Mending Wall,” we’re creating our own poetic take on the act of mending walls. Come write with us!
Form It: A Simple Veil, Poetry Prompt
“Form It” is a poetry prompt that focuses on exploring our topic through form poetry. The prompt includes recommendations for each form’s best use! This time, we’re going to “form” a simple veil.
Wall Poems: Poetry Prompt
Settled in the crevices of brick and mortar, there are poems. Written on walls in Europe and here in the States, poetry lives and breathes in cities and villages. Join us and learn a little about wall poems and where you can find some. You can even write your own wall poem.
Animate: Wall Poetry Prompt
This week’s poetry prompt asks you to imagine yourself as a division of space— a wall. Join us, animate yourself into the geometry of a wall, and create poetry.
The Veil: Poetry Prompt
Join us as we explore the poem “Lift Not the Painted Veil Which Those Who Live” by Percy Bysshe Shelley. Think of a response to his message and write it as a poem.
Animal Limericks: Poetry Prompt
If you’re running low on limerick ideas, then look no further than the always enchanting animal kingdom. Come write with about your pets (or the circus) with us!
Family Limericks: Poetry Prompt
While we are often audience to the peculiarities or bizarre habits of the relatives, an opportunity to write a limerick about them might only come once in a lifetime. Here’s your chance.
The Irreverent Limerick: Poetry Prompt
From its boisterous beginnings, the poetic form of the limerick lends itself to all kinds of unseemly possibility. Here’s your opportunity to be just a little undignified and write an irreverent limerick. Join us!
How to Write a Limerick Infographic
But what about the girl from Nantucket? Our new limerick infographic won’t tell you that, but will give you tips on how to write a limerick.
Poetry Prompt: The Laughable Limerick
When you’re in need of a good, hearty laugh, look no further than the limerick. With its catchy meter and rhyme, the limerick is fun to read and easy to memorize. Join us and write some laughable limericks!
Things Invisible Poetry Prompt: Our Ghosts
Our ghosts have taken a journey. Let’s not miss the opportunity to lean in and listen to (and tell) their stories. In the process, we may learn something about ourselves.
Form It: Things Invisible Poetry Prompt
“Form It” is a poetry prompt that focuses on exploring our topic through form poetry. The prompt includes recommendations for each form’s best use! This time, we’re going to “form” Things Invisible.
Things Invisible: Poetry Prompt
Considered one of the greatest books of the 20th century, and one of the bestselling books of all time, The Little Prince is a beloved classic. Within this endearing story, we explore the relationship of the little prince and his special rose. Join us as we write poetry about things invisible… and essential.
Hanging by a Thread: Poetry Prompt
The tale of the Sword of Damocles offers a moral that is sometimes misunderstood. We promise not to leave you hanging by a thread. Come write a poetic tale with us!
Gordian Knot: Poetry Prompt
With the swoosh of his sword, Alexander cut the Gordian knot. Learn a bit about this fabled tale and its use in today’s lexicon. Write some poetry with us. Consider it a challenge.
Animate: Thread Poetry Prompt
This week’s poetry prompt asks you to imagine yourself a winding thread. Join us, animate yourself into a long, thin strand, and create poetry.