It was a full moon night when Catherine Abbey Hodges first began writing poetry. That brave moment has stayed with her. Come be inspired by Catherine’s poetry journey and insights!
Making & Unmaking Meaning: Interview with Wendy Wisner
Wendy Wisner makes meaning in the prose world, while she sometimes tries to unmake it in the poetry world. Join her in “making less sense” with a fun poetry prompt!
50 States of Generosity: Idaho
Visiting Idaho was never on my bucket list. Until now. And when I go, I might want to try some “ice cream potatoes”—vanilla ice cream coated with cocoa and slathered with whipped cream to look like a sour cream topped baked potato. Or maybe I’ll try an Idaho Spud—a marshmallow covered in chocolate and coconut.
Poetry Prompt: Aisling—Vision or Dream
The aisling poem is a vision or dream poem that features a woman as one of its central images. Come pen an aisling with us. We might feature your poem!
Poetry Club Tea Date ✨ My Heart
Get your favorite steep (or brew) and join us in writing a quick poem based on Kim Addonizio’s “My Heart.” Her heart is a Mississippi chicken shack. What’s yours?
Poetry Prompt: Sink or Swim
How do you learn best in life? Maybe you prefer to be pushed into a sink or swim situation. Or maybe you prefer a choice (and a gentle approach). Let’s poem our way into sink or swim!
Poetry Club: Notebook It
You needn’t always be taking big steps to develop a meaningful, life-altering poetry practice. That’s why we love this simplest of ideas.
Poetry Prompt: Color Palette & Aestheticism
What is aestheticism? Learn a little about this movement in art and literature. Then call on color to create a beautiful poem of your own.
Poetry Prompt: Greenhouse of Poems
Greenhouses grow unlikely fruits. What if yours could also grow poems? What would they be?
Happy National Poetry Month—Share Your Poems!
Happy National Poetry Month, friends. Share your poems here.
Poetry Prompt: O, Soul
Our February theme is “Heart and Soul,” and today we’re thinking solely about the latter. Let’s take our Souls on a journey in poetry!
Poetry Club Tea Date ✨ The Poet
Get your favorite steep (or brew) & join us in writing a poem based on “The Poet” by Yone Noguchi.
Poetry Prompt: Journeys!—Or … Veni, Vidi, Vici
What happened when we journeyed to the famous Louvre museum? Enjoy this fun veni, vidi, vici story, and craft a poem on the way.
Poetry Prompt: Pearls & Moons
We’re celebrating the release of ‘Under the Pearl Moon,’ a new collection by Every Day Poems editor Rick Maxson. Come pen a “pearls & moons” poem!
Poetry Prompt: Abstract Poetry
Abstract poetry is the perfect kind of verse to write as a form of playing with words, to shake loose your inner poetic style.
How to Make a Poetry Mandala
Making a poetry mandala can be a centering activity that helps you memorize beautiful lines that guide or enrich your life.
Can You Halloween Haiku?
Haiku is usually reserved for nature in its transcendent moments. But this is Halloween, where (almost) anything goes. So why not try out a Halloween haiku?
Poetry Prompt: Surprising Straw
What do you think of when you hear the word “straw”? Maybe The 3 Little Pigs. Or maybe one of the many surprising uses of straw. Let’s make (strong) poems out of straw!
Poetry Prompt: Beginning “Ab Ovo” or “From the Egg”
Sometimes it’s best to start your poem in the middle of things, but sometimes it can also be intriguing to begin ab ovo (“from the egg”)!
From A to Z, the Abecedarian Isn’t Just for Chaucer—Poetry Prompt!
Get your Medieval Vibes on and craft an abecedarian poem. How is this A-Z poem different from an acrostic? Read on to find out. Plus try the poetry prompt.