Join Callie Feyen as she offers a poetry prompt about the power of metaphor. Especially when the ocean is involved.
The Poetry Club Tea Date ✨ This Has Been a Summer
Join us for this week’s Every Day Poems poetry club tea date! See the favorite lines shared by a reader. Catch the poem that came from it. Pen your own.
Poetry Prompt: To the Horizon
What memories do you have of swimming as a child? Join Callie Feyen as thinks about her own summertime memories and of swimming to the horizon.
The Poetry Club Tea Date ✨ Every Morning
Join us for this week’s Every Day Poems poetry club tea date! See the favorite lines shared by a reader. Catch the poem that came from it. Pen your own.
Poetry Prompt: Swimming in Sand
Join author Callie Feyen as she explores a poetry prompt about swimming in sand, drawn from memories of several trips to Sleeping Bear Dunes.
Poetry Prompt: For the Birds
What do you need to push away from in order to take flight? Join Callie Feyen as she considers resistance as a mighty force that’s not just for the birds.
Poetry Prompt: Poems of Emergence
The 17-year cicada will emerge this summer. What else is emerging in the world? Join author Callie Feyen as she considers how to write poems of emergence.
Poetry Prompt: Finding Poetry from Fear
Author Callie Feyen takes a dare to write nature poetry, finding inspiration from daredevil Robert Frost.
Pooh, On Poetry
Author Megan Willome takes poetry advice from Winnie-the-Pooh and revises a poem.
The Play’s the Thing: Winter Stars is Born
Do you have a writing dream? Maybe it’s time to funnel it in a new direction. That’s what happened for Sonia Barkat, with Winter Stars.
Poetry Prompt: Use Your Words
In a time when touch is largely prohibited, author Callie Feyen invites us to turn to poetry to express how we feel about friendship—using more than words.
Poetry Prompt: Baiku Poems
We have all been thrust into a new season, and it hasn’t been easy (to say the least). Callie Feyen introduces us to baiku, a haiku about saying goodbye. So that we can say hello to the new.
Poetry Prompt: Could Be Poems
Have you ever experienced a moment and said to someone, “That’s a poem?” Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Join Callie Feyen as she explores the question.
Poetry Prompt: If I Built A House
If you built a house, how big would you dream? Join author Callie Feyen as she remembers a childhood game and invites us to imagine our dream dwelling.
Poetry Prompt: Use Your Five Senses
How can writing a poem about the five senses improve a bad day? Author Callie Feyen shows us how, with the help of a first-grade friend.
Poetry Prompt: Focus on End Words
This week author Callie Feyen reads the picture book ‘David Gets In Trouble’ and invites us to focus on end words. Do they make a mini-poem?
Poetry Prompt: Like a Love Song
There are many ways to express love (some are quite silly). Take a drive with author Callie Feyen and her teenage daughter and listen to some love songs.
Poetry Prompt: Love Poems to Words
Author Callie Feyen invites us to write a love poem to words, allowing ourselves to respond to the Call to Adventure and bring back words to share.
Poetry Prompt: What Silence Does
Join author Callie Feyen as she considers silence — what it is, what it does, and whether it’s useful. Then write a poem about it.
Poetry Prompt: What Grows From Bright Darkness
Join author Callie Feyen as she considers how the month of January and how the bright darkness can help usher in our hopes and dreams for the new year.