It was a full moon night when Catherine Abbey Hodges first began writing poetry. That brave moment has stayed with her. Come be inspired by Catherine’s poetry journey and insights!
Poet Laura: The Consequence of Cats
Go on the prowl this month with Sandra Fox Murphy, our 2025 Poet Laura, for some cat poem sleuthing and housecat bossing.
Making & Unmaking Meaning: Interview with Wendy Wisner
Wendy Wisner makes meaning in the prose world, while she sometimes tries to unmake it in the poetry world. Join her in “making less sense” with a fun poetry prompt!
Poet Laura: A Concert in the General Store
Sandra Fox Murphy writes about music’s intersections with time, place and poetry, travelling from a general store in West Virginia to the grackles on a power line in west Texas.
Announcement: The Sadbook Collections—Book 2!
Little Sadbook has a big heart—filled with musings, whimsy, sometimes puzzlement, occasional crises, and always art. Enjoy Book 2 of The Sadbook Collections!
50 States of Generosity: Montana
From wild flowers to mountains that tower, it’s Montana. Plus, catch an old photo of our very own Sandra Heska King’s hubby in Montana when he was a boy.
Creativity Prompt: Sanity Journal
Maybe you need a little pick-me-up? Enjoy this simple prompt from ‘The Yellow Wall-Paper Sanity Journal’ to get you on your way.
Poetry Prompt: In the Wild Secret Place
Using ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ as inspiration, come create your own wild, secret place poem.
50 States of Generosity: Idaho
Visiting Idaho was never on my bucket list. Until now. And when I go, I might want to try some “ice cream potatoes”—vanilla ice cream coated with cocoa and slathered with whipped cream to look like a sour cream topped baked potato. Or maybe I’ll try an Idaho Spud—a marshmallow covered in chocolate and coconut.
Poet Laura: A Cuppa Comfort for the Holiday
Sandra Fox Murphy brews ritual with coffee and tea poems in this month’s Poet Laura column.
Ekphrastic Poems Prompt: In the Lost House
Ekphrastic poems create a kind of beautiful collaboration—artist to poet, poet to artist. Collaborate with artist Megan Merchant today by getting inspired with her painting “In the Lost House.”
Prompt Celebration! The Colour out of Space
Celebrate the new graphic novel ‘The Colour out of Space’ by sharing your poems! Try out ekphrastic poetry if you like.
Journeys: What We Hold in Common
It is so tempting in life to forget what we hold in common. And in those moments, we forfeit joy and connection that could otherwise be ours. Pen a poem of connection, maybe starting with corn.
Poetry Prompt: Aisling—Vision or Dream
The aisling poem is a vision or dream poem that features a woman as one of its central images. Come pen an aisling with us. We might feature your poem!
Poetry Prompt: Wordle Your Way
Jumpstart your poetry with a Wordle—as a basis for a found poem. Our Wordle came from The Year of the Monarch poems that you wrote!
Poetry Prompt: My Poem is an Oasis
Our August theme is Desert & Oasis. Come write a poem that’s an oasis for your readers.
Year of the Monarch: Butterfly Kisses—A Romantic Comedy
Dheepa R. Maturi finds herself in the middle of a romantic comedy with her affections for the monarch butterfly. Audio included!
Poetry Club Tea Date ✨ My Heart
Get your favorite steep (or brew) and join us in writing a quick poem based on Kim Addonizio’s “My Heart.” Her heart is a Mississippi chicken shack. What’s yours?
Poetry Prompt: Sink or Swim
How do you learn best in life? Maybe you prefer to be pushed into a sink or swim situation. Or maybe you prefer a choice (and a gentle approach). Let’s poem our way into sink or swim!
Poetry Club Tea Date ✨ Threshold
In this poetry club tea date, we encounter a threshold. What will we find there? What will you find at your own threshold—that you can put in a poem?