Plan a poetry date with a friend, sibling, co-worker, lover. Choose a poet, a venue, a snack or a drink, and read to each other. Today’s date: Tolkien!
Poets and Poems: Gwendolyn Brooks’ ‘Selected Poems’
Poets and poems: Gwendolyn Brooks, the first African-American to receive the Pulitzer Prize, wrote about the people she knew and the history always with us.
The Poem of the Month: January
Wherein we reveal the poem of the month. You picked it. We’re unveiling it.
Poetry Classroom: The Wake of Our Sleep
Welcome to this month’s poetry classroom. Up today, “What Lives in the Wake of Our Sleep.”
Eating and Drinking Poems: Rita Dove’s “Chocolate”
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, Kathryn Neel’s latest “Eating and Drinking Poems” post features a flourless chocolate soufflé recipe with a loving ode to chocolate by Rita Dove.
Poetry Classroom: Dona Nobis Pacem
Our poetry classroom is a wonderful way to discuss and enjoy poems, with published poets and teachers. Up today: Dona Nobis Pacem.
Choose the Poem of the Month
It’s time to sleuth the poem of the month! Which poems were most loved in January? You can help us know.
Poets and Poems: Robin Robertson’s “The Wrecking Light”
Poets and Poems: To read Robin Robertson’s “The Wrecking Light” is to walk in the poetry of identity, place, geography, mythology, geography — and more.
Eating and Drinking Poems: Maya Angelou’s “Phenomenal Woman”
Poet Scott Edward Anderson pays homage to both his fiance and Maya Angelou by pairing the poem “Phenomenal Woman” with the comfort food of a Spoon Roast.
Poets and Poems: Amy Billone’s “The Light Changes”
Amy Billone’s “The Light Changes: Poems” begins with a young woman throwing herself in front of a train—not what you expect from poets and poems.
Doors & Passageways: Dancers and Dreams Poetry Prompts
Doors and passageways poetry prompts. Who will you be, what will you do, to get that door to your dreams open? Put it in a poem.
Poems for Poetry at Work Day: The Five Winners
Tweetspeak Poetry announces the five winners of our Poetry at Work Day contest, who submitted poems about work to win a copy of “Poetry at Work.”
Eating and Drinking Poems: Neruda’s “Ode to the Onion”
Guest contributor Nicole Gulotta writes about Chilean poet Pablo Neruda’s purpose behind his odes to the mundane, looking specifically at the unexpected beauty of the onion. She pairs this poem with a classic French Onion soup recipe: the perfect blend of cozy and satisfying.
It’s Poetry at Work Day!
It’s Poetry at Work Day, and Tweetspeak Poetry has an array of resources to help you find the poetry in your work and in your workplace — and a giveaway!
Poem Analysis: Anne Sexton’s “Her Kind”
An evocative, insightful analysis of Sexton’s “Her Kind, ” from student writer Sara Barkat. Hold on to your hat!
Poets and Poems: Grace Schulman’s “Without a Claim”
Grace Schulman’s new collection of poems “Without a Claim” creates quiet repose in the face of discontinuity. Can poets and poems make sense of this?
Doors & Passageways: Playlist & Poetry Prompt
Listen to our new Doors & Passageways playlist, then write a doors or passageways poem, including a line of the lyrics if you like.
English Teaching Resources: Incidentally, That’s a Chiasmus
Our “Incidentally” column shares English Teaching Resources from a teacher who has worked the systems for almost 25 years. Up today? Chiasmus.
New Years Poems: New Year’s Observation from the Bench
The Tweetspeak team offers our best wishes for a happy, creative, and prosperous new year, and a New Years poem to start your 2014.
Night Poetry: Stopping by Woods and Promises
Night poetry can be the poetry of promise. In the darkness, we can focus on what is most pressing, we can dream, we can make promises to ourselves or others