“February: Poems” by Boris Pasternak reflect the poet (and novelist’s) experience of living in a Russia marked by war, revolution, civil war, and oppressive communism.
Top 10 Best Laundry Poems
Take a break from your laundry hanging, or ironing, or presoaking, and enjoy this neatly folded basket of laundry poems, plus a giveaway of Scratch Magazine.
Poets and Poems: Robinson Jeffers and “Selected Poetry”
Robinson Jeffers (1887-1962) was a significant poet in the 1920s and 1930s, and then forgotten until rediscovered by the environmental movement.
PhotoPlay 2: Portrait of a Shell, Sand, and the Sea Poetry Prompt
We are dipping our toes in the ocean at here at Tweetspeak Poetry. Join us for PhotoPlay 2. Look closely. You might just find a poem tucked inside a shell.
The Poetry of World War I
Tim Kendall’s anthology “Poetry of the First World War” explains how poetry came to be so connected with “the war to end all wars.”
Poets and Poems: Marina Tsvetaeva and “My Poems”
Russian poet Marina Tsvetaeva (1892-1941) used love as a compass in her poetry, in the face of monumental tragedies she experienced in her country.
Top Ten Independence Poems
All of us want a little independence; some of us want a lot. Which is to say that independence isn’t only a political thing. Celebrate (or keep reaching) with these 10 great independence poems.
Poets and Poems: Wendell Berry and “This Day”
“This Day, ” Wendell Berry’s new collected Sabbath poems, remind us of the wholeness, consistency and beauty of his literary writing.
Top Ten Summer Poems
To help you stretch out these summer days as long as possible, we’ve gathered up a great collection of summer poems, from dandelions to love on the beach to patio umbrellas and everything in between (including the mosquitoes).
Take Your Poet to Work: W. B. Yeats
Have you chosen your favorite poet for Take Your Poet to Work Day? W. B. Yeats joins our growing collection of ready-for-work poets today.
Poets and Poems: J.R.R. Tolkien and “Beowulf”
The newly published translation of “Beowulf” by J.R.R. Tolkien is both poetic prose and a reminder of the epic’s influence on “The Lord of the Rings.”
Anna Akhmatova and the Poetry of Resilience
Russian poet Anna Akhmatova experienced personal tragedy, war, revolution, civil war, and Stalinist repression, and still wrote haunting poetry.
Take Your Poet to Work: Adrienne Rich
Take Your Poet to Work Day will be here before you know it. Get ready now with this week’s new poet, Adrienne Rich.
Poets and Poems: Thomas Merton and “In the Dark Before Dawn”
Thomas Merton continues to exert a significant pull on the imagination, the intellect, and the conscience.
Take Your Poet to Work: Langston Hughes
Be the envy of your coworkers when you bring Langston Hughes to the office with you for Take Your Poet to Work Day on July 16. He’s our first poet of 2014.
Maya Angelou: The Poetry and Life of Reinvention
Maya Angelou was an unlikely candidate for literary success. But she reinvented herself, more than once.
Dog Songs: Poetry Prompt & Playlist
We cannot imagine a world without dogs and the joy they bring. Check out our new playlist and poetry prompt. Come sing (or howl) a few Dog Songs with us.
Poets and Poems: Ron Padgett and “Collected Poems”
“Collected Poems” by Ron Padgett covers more than 50 years of work, summing up a life lived in the creation of poetry.
Poets and Poems: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and “Prussian Nights”
“Prussian Nights” by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn reminds us that victory in war doesn’t automatically mean moral superiority over an enemy.
Photo Prompts: Baby Face Photo Play 2
Join us for our Baby Face Photo Prompts follow-up and be stirred by the collection of photographs and poetry, steeped in back story. Come write yours.