In the final installment of our The Great Gatsby book club, Tania Runyan explores what it means to be “borne back ceaselessly into the past.”
Book Club: The Great Gatsby Chapter 3 & 4—Mystery, Contradiction and Switch-Ups
Chapters 3 and 4 of The Great Gatsby are full of mystery, contradictions and linguistic switch-ups as the books themes begin to take shape.
Book Club: Meet the Great Gatsby Characters—Couches Included!
In the first installment of our book club, Tania Runyan introduces The Great Gatsby characters—human and otherwise—and invites readers to a Gatsby sestina.
National Poetry Month: Giving Gatsby the Green Light
This National Poetry Month, join Tania Runyan to take a poetic twist on Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby in our in our new book club.
Poems to Listen By: Heart & Soil 08—Zinfandel
Laurie Klein concludes her “Heart & Soil” Poems to Listen By podcast series with Jane Mead’s “Where the Zinfandel Pass Their Seasons in Mute Rows.”
Poems to Listen By: Heart & Soil 07—Sparrows
The latest episode of Laurie Klein’s Poems to Listen By—Heart & Soil features the poem “Sparrows” by Jamie Morewood Anderson.
Poems to Listen By: Heart & Soil 06—Undertow
In this month’s Poems to Listen By episode, Laurie Klein features poems by Richard Maxson and Anne M. Doe Overstreet in a reflection on uncertainty.
The Reindeer Chronicles Book Club: You’re Cutting a Tree in Almería and Getting a Storm in Dusseldorf
In this final discussion of The Reindeer Chronicles book club, we consider the interconnectedness of land use and the water system, also known as the rain in Spain.
The Reindeer Chronicles Book Club: We Can Never Approach the Wisdom of These Animals
In this week’s discussion of The Reindeer Chronicles, we consider the wisdom of the animals themselves in engineering an ecosystem.
The Reindeer Chronicles Book Club: That Which Has Been Damaged Can Be Healed
In the first installment of our Reindeer Chronicles, we explore the amazing regeneration of China’s Loess Plateau after centuries of degradation.
The 7 Principles of Making Friendship Work-Part III: Love and a Little GPS
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‘A Wrinkle in Time’ Book Club: none but Love
Who wins? None but Love. Joins us for the last installment of our book club about Madeleine L’Engle’s classic, ‘A Wrinkle in Time.’
‘A Wrinkle in Time’ Book Club: the heart within me knows
In the second installment of our book club about Madeleine L’Engle’s classic, ‘A Wrinkle in Time,’ we ask how the heart knows what is true.
‘A Wrinkle in Time’ Book Club: every listless star
Meg Murry is Every Girl, every listless star. Join us for a three-part book club about Madeleine L’Engle’s classic, ‘A Wrinkle in Time.’
Poems to Listen By: Heart & Soil 04—Honan Duststorm
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The 7 Principles Series—Part II, How to Ruin a Relationship in 4 Easy Conflict Moves
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Winter Stars Book Club: Comedy – “Auras in Suburbia”
In the final discussion of Sonia Barkat’s collection of 10-minute plays, Callie Feyen laughs along with swooshing trench coats and seafood hedges in the comedy “Auras in Suburbia.”
Poems to Listen By: Heart & Soil 02—News from the Underground
In this episode of Heart & Soil, Laurie Klein’s podcast of Poems to Listen by, enjoy this reflection on News from the Underground, and how the pesky creatures beneath our feet help restore the soil.
Winter Stars Book Club: Fantasy – “To The Shadows We Return”
In this week’s book club discussion of the short plays in Sonia Barkat’s Winter Stars, Callie Feyen considers the complexities of love and friendship in the fantasy play, “To the Shadows We Return.”
Winter Stars Book Club: Tragedy – Winter Stars
In the opening discussion of Sonia Barkat’s collection of 10-minute plays, Winter Stars, Callie Feyen unfolds the epic battle between the Oak and Holly kings.