“Birds in Home Depot” makes a journey from poet Rick Maxson’s experience, to the Earth Song nature poems anthology, to Poetry Foundation’s The Slowdown!
50 States of Generosity: Maine
Join teacher and library catalog coordinator Nikki Rank, in crossing the border from New Hampshire to Maine. There are clams, moose, and blueberries waiting for you!
The Honey Field-1
Read the first installment in a delightful new serial novel by Mildred’s Garden author Laura Boggess. Then check back every two weeks for more!
Poems to Listen By: Black Bird Soirée 02—Into the Woods
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Video: Earth Song: A Nature Poems Experience—Enchanting!
Get ready to be enchanted by this nature poems video, created especially for Earth Song: A Nature Poems Experience. We’d love to read a poem you write, inspired by your favorite moment!
50 States of Generosity: Alaska
We continue our 50 States of Generosity series with a focus on Alaska, whose flag makes you look up at the night sky.
Poets and Poems: Jack Bedell and “Against the Woods’ Dark Trunks”
In “Against the Woods’ Dark Trunks,” poet Jack Bedell writes about the land and legends of south Louisiana.
Earth Song Book Club: Poems in the Silence
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Earth Song Book Club: Garden Poems
In this week’s Earth Song discussion, Rebecca Martin starts smack dab in the middle of garden poems.
Earth Song Book Club: Force of Nature
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Earth Song Book Club: The Wild Places
In this week’s Earth Song book club, Rebecca Martin considers the power of poems to transport the reader to another place, whether the woodlands or the wilds.
Earth Song Book Club Announcement
Rebecca D. Martin announces a new book club discussion of the symphonic nature poem collection edited by Sara Barkat, Earth Song.
Tell the Bees—Event This Friday, August 5 + Prompt!
Join us for bees poetry and some beekeeping chat. But, before that, pen your own poem where you tell the bees—or ask them—something.
Poetry Prompt: Earth Song Nature Poems—Celebrate!
Celebrate the Earth Song nature poems anthology by penning your own song to or from the earth. Whether mountains, floral majesties, or monarchs, the lyrics are yours to compose.
By Heart: ‘I so liked Spring’ + New Robert Frost Challenge
What do the thrushes sing? Ah Holy, Holy or Crack! Join us as we learn Charlotte Mew’s poem “I so liked Spring” By Heart.
50 States of Generosity: Florida
We continue our 50 States of Generosity series with a focus on Florida and its unbelievable falling iguanas.
Poets and Poems: David Russell Mosley and “The Green Man”
To read the poems of “The Green Man” by David Russell Mosley is to walk the ancient paths of Nature and faith.
By Heart: ‘Sea Poppies’ + New Tracy K. Smith Challenge
Imagine discovering a treasure—a flower. Who will you tell? Join us and learn “Sea Poppies” by H.D. By Heart.
Poems to Listen By: Moonstruck 01—The Wind and the Moon
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Poet Laura: Brain Fog, Fatigue and the Fireflies
As our worlds begin to reopen, the brain fog, fatigue, and discomfort can linger. Our Poet Laura, Laura Boggess, helps us reemerge with the fireflies.