You’ve got the whole month of April to celebrate National Poetry Month. We’ve got the cut ‘n color poets and top 10 teaching ideas—for you to make it the most fun and informative thirty days ever!
A Publishing Opportunity for Our Patrons
This National Poetry Month, we’re going to combine our 30 Days of poem-making with another organization’s effort: The Drawdown EcoChallenge. Here’s how to participate—and maybe get published.
Poetic Earth Month—30 Days, 30 Poems Challenge
This April, join the Tweetspeak Community in a Poetic Earth Month 30 Days, 30 Poems Challenge! With two ways to take the challenge, it’s simple and soul-enriching. Choose one, or mix it up. Then tell the community what you’re doing, and share your poem-ing along the way.
5 Ways to Jazz it With Jewels (and Roses) for National Poetry Month
Why should National Poetry Month be oh-so-predictable? Here are 5 sparkling ways to add a little shine to April.
National Poetry Month Dare: Commit ‘The Stolen Child’ by W. B. Yeats
Join us in our National Poetry Month Dare as we memorize “The Stolen Child” by W. B. Yeats, complete with printable Faery Badges.
Book Club Announcement: The Wild Swans
Join us during National Poetry Month 2017 to read The Wild Swans by Jackie Morris and write poems to the fairy tale together.
2015-2016 National Student Poets Share Their Passion for Poetry
Five National Student Poets share their passion for poetry in their own hometowns and beyond through workshops, readings, and literary programs.
Celebrating National Poetry Month: The Joy of Poetry
Besides all the free National Poetry Month gifts and inspirational invitations, we’ve got a surprise we can’t wait to share with you. The Joy of Poetry.
3 Cool Ways to Increase Your Poetry Reading
If poetry makes you a better writer and reader, maybe you should read more poetry. Use these three methods to increase your poetry reading.
Your Free Jeans Poems & Photos E-book and an Invitation!
Last year, during National Poetry Month, you gave us your jeans. In poems and photos. Now we’re giving them back to you in free e-book form. Come get the collection, plus a special invitation!
De-Stress with Our Poetry Coloring Book!
Coloring books can help reduce stress. And poetry can help reduce stress. So make your days stress-free with our new poetry coloring book.
Top 5 Celebration Tools for National Poetry Month!
We’ve rounded up 5 great celebration tools for National Poetry Month—from awesome free coloring pages and the makings of a poets’ parade, to surprising writing tools, plus!
Casual E-Book Update
Just a quick update on the “Show Us Your Poetry Jeans” e-book project and a “reveal” about how poems and photos will be included in “Casual.”
Top 10 Best Chicken Poems
If Google search is any indication, the world is looking for chicken poetry. Here are 10 chicken poems to make the search easier. (Or at least more fun.)
National Poetry Month: Show Us Your (Poetry) Jeans
It’s National Poetry Month, and all month long, we want to see your poetry jeans. Get featured, shared, or even published in our e-book? It could happen.
It’s National Poultry Month!
Finally, it’s April. And we can start penning verse for National Poultry Month! Just another #smartfun opportunity from Tweetspeak Poetry.
Top Ten National Poetry Month Books and Tools!
Looking for the best National Poetry Month books and tools? From Billy Collins to haiku, from sonnets to cinnamon & jealous poem stacks, this list entices!
National Poetry Month Poetry Dare: Wisława Szymborska’s “Interview with a Child”
The young Master in Wisława Szymborska’s “Interview with a Child” challenges us to reject the idea that things are only as they seem.
National Poetry Month Poetry Dare: Wisława Szymborska’s “A Speech at the Lost and Found”
When contemplating infinity, it’s helpful to have a small thing that can fit in our hand. Wisława Szymborska places a blue umbrella alongside the universe.
Top 10 Best Poems for Poem in Your Pocket Day
We don’t want you to be caught poem-less on Poem in Your Pocket Day. Choose one of these best 10 short poems to keep with you all day.