Take the Wallace Stevens Walk with us, following the stones engraved with the stanzas of “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird” in Hartford, Connecticut.
Edward Gorey Cats of Cape Cod Trail
The cats of Edward Gorey’s “Category” have created the Cats of Cape Cod Trail, which is sure to become a must-follow excursion for cat lovers, Gorey lovers and Cape Cod lovers everywhere.
Edward Gorey House: Watch Your Step
Visiting Cape Cod? Don’t forget to plan a stop at the Edward Gorey House in Yarmouth Port. The whimsy is worth the stop.
Writer’s Conferences: Cape Cod Writers Center
The Cape Cod Writers Center Conference features a diversity of courses on the craft and business of writing, a mature audience and a breathtaking location.
Wordfest Literary Event at The Mount
A literary event to remember: Wordfest at The Mount, in a beautiful woodland setting, against the backdrop of Edith Wharton’s Massachusetts environment.
Literary Tour: Blue Bicycle Books (Charleston, SC)
Elizabeth Marshall finds joy in the narrow bookstore aisle of Blue Bicycle Books in our latest literary tour stop.
Getting Poetry to the People – The Wall Poems of Charlotte
People deserve access to poetry, which belongs to them. So why not paint poems onto buildings? Amy Bagwell on The Wall Poems of Charlotte.
Poet Focus: Marianne Moore
For all of her modernist associations, Marianne Moore’s poetry didn’t exactly fit the category. There’s a richness, almost a lushness, in many of her poems that’s absent from the moderns. She ranged over history and literature — Rome and Greece, Britain and Ireland, and America — as well as music and the natural world.
The Poet’s Son: Ai Weiwei
Charity Singleton Craig explores Ai Weiwei’s exhibit “According to What?” pondering the question of what it is that makes something art art along the way.
National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden
Maureen Doallas takes us on a tour of the National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden on the Mall in Washington, D.C.
Storm King Art Center
Take a walking tour with Maureen Doallas through the grounds of the Storm King Art Center in New Windsor, New York.
Artist Date: Orchid Conservatory
Take an Artist Date to the un-useful plant section of a conservatory. Un-useful, that is, unless you see the value of sudden play.
John Steinbeck’s California
Charity Singleton Craig experiences John Steinbeck’s California through the Salinas Valley and the Monterey Peninsula finding a people she already knows, though she has never met.
The Little House on the Prairie is Still There
A visit to the scene of Little House on the Prairie reminds us that, sometimes, it’s the telling of a story that makes it extraordinary.
Happy (Belated) Birthday, Edith Wharton
The Mount is celebrating Edith Wharton’s 151st birthday today. Wharton was born in chilly January, on the 24th, in 1862, in New York City.
Literary Tour: At The Mount with Edith Wharton
Henry James said that “no one fully knows our Edith who hasn’t seen her in the act of creating a habitat for herself.” Perhaps you can catch a small glimpse of Edith Wharton’s spirit in these images taken during a recent visit to The Mount, her Lenox, Mass., estate.
A Pencil for Emily—Near the Emily Dickinson House
I stopped recently at the home of Emily Dickinson, in Amherst, Mass., to make things right. And sweet baby irony—would you guess she stood me up?