A “Keats Walk” in Hampstead and Hampstead Heath in north London is a window into John Keats’ poetry, passions, and life.
Finding Eliot in St. Louis
Finding T.S. Eliot in St. Louis, where he was born and raised, is not an easy task, but he’s there, most of all in his poetry.
Literary Tour: Mariposa Museum & History Center
Join Dolly Lee for a piece of history around Yosemite in this Literary Tour to the Mariposa Museum and History Center in Mariposa, California.
Literary Tour: International Quilt Study Center & Museum, Lincoln, NE
Discover the way a quilt can speak to the identity of a person and a community in this tour of the International Quilt Study Center & Museum in Lincoln, NE.
Castle Conversations: Arianna Huffington at Manhattanville College
Manhattanville College serves up intriguing Castle Conversations, beginning with Arianna Huffington, a woman both visionary and down-to-earth.
Literary Tour: Lauritzen Gardens, Omaha, NE
As March roared in like a lion, Michelle DeRusha went searching for verdant life and warmth with a Literary Tour to Lauritzen Gardens, Omaha, NE.
Cantor Arts Center, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
Join Dolly Lee on her latest literary tour and explore the wide range of contemporary art in the collection at the Cantor Art Center at Stanford.
Poetry for Life: “Wasted Beauty” at Tavern of Fine Arts
We found poetry in our own community, both formal and informal, historical and contemporary. And we found it at the Tavern of Fine Arts.
Bonneville Salt Flats and Salt Lake Park, Utah
Optical illusion or the curvature or the earth? Take a look at the beauty of Utah’s Bonneville Salt Flats.
Literary Tour: The Beat Museum, North Beach, San Francisco
Discover Kerouac, Ginsberg and more with a visit to the Beat Museum in San Francisco’s North Beach.
Amazing San Francisco Street Art. What’s Your Expression?
Walk with us through the streets of San Francisco. See the amazing street art. And choose your expression.
Literary Tours: Muir Woods National Monument, San Francisco
In today’s literary tour, hike the Muir Woods National Monument in northern California with Dolly Lee.
Literary Tour: David Levinthal’s “MAKE BELIEVE” Exhibit at San Jose Museum of Art
Visit David Levinthal’s ‘MAKE BELIEVE’ exhibit at San Jose Museum of art, with cultural images such as Barbie, baseball, World War II and sexual politics.
Literary Tour: Willa Cather Childhood Home (Red Cloud, Nebraska)
On a recent literary tour to Red Cloud, Nebraska, Michelle DeRusha stayed in the room Willa Cather slept in when she was in town, half-hopeful, half-leery Willa’s ghost would visit.
Literary Tour: Independence Rock (Casper, Wyoming)
If you should find yourself traveling the Oregon-California Trail, be sure to stop at Independence Rock. It’ll have you wanting to make your mark.
Literary Tour: Georgia O’Keeffe and Lake George at San Francisco’s DeYoung Museum
The exhibit suggested Georgia O’Keeffe painted to make the intangible, such as her feelings, more tangible.
Literary Tour: Alcatraz
I realize the children of Alcatraz prison staff once played on one end of the island and rode a ferry to San Francisco to attend school.
Literary Tour: New York Public Library Children’s Book Exhibit
Just in time for Children’s Book Week, we visit the children’s book exhibit, The ABC of It, at the New York Public Library.
T.S. Poetry Press Goes to the Big Apple (and Donates a Peach)
T.S. Poetry Press is doing its part to ensure that on your next trip to New York City, the endless river of books will still be flowing freely.
Tweetspeak Love: Darlene S.
We like to think Tweetspeak Love arises because of the care we take to help people explore their hearts and souls, and the measure of their power with words.