Colorado Poet Laureate Joseph Hutchison doesn’t want poets to make a living writing poetry. Find out why in Maureen Doallas’s final interview segment.
Let Go of What You Mean to Say: Interview with Colorado Poet Laureate Joseph Hutchison (Part 2)
“Most adults have suffered from ‘imaginal abuse, ‘” says Joseph Hutchison. Read more on poetic imagination in Part 2 of Maureen Doallas’s interview with the Colorado poet laureate.
Why Teach Poetry? Interview with Colorado Poet Laureate Joseph Hutchison (Part 1)
“If we taught poetry as a way of knowing, students wouldn’t have to ask why they should study it.” Maureen Doallas interviews Colorado poet laureate Joseph Hutchison.
Small Press Profile: Bellevue Literary Press
Bellevue Literary Press was born out of the “exceptional belief that literature should have a home in a medical school.” Maureen Doallas interviews publisher Erika Goldman.
National Student Poet Louis Lafair: Part 2
National Student Poet Louis Lafair discusses the influences of his poetry, and his vision for experiencing poetry in the 21st century.
National Student Poet Louis Lafair: Part 1
National Student Poet Louis Lafair reveals his early introduction to poetry, his favorite poets and why he reads them, and what he discovers in poetry.
Poets and Poems: Seamus Heaney
Appreciating poets and poems even more by reading Seamus Heaney’s “Opened Ground” alongside Frank O’Driscoll’s “Stepping Stones, ” whose interviews add depth to the poems.
Textures, Details, Angles: Interview with Photographer Claire Burge
Maureen Doallas interviews photographer Claire Burge on the importance of visual observation and the way her photography helps her write in vivid detail.
Writing with Your Senses: Interview with Bird Listener Heidi Betts
What the best writers know and master: good prose and poetry are made of concrete images drawn in specific detail. Writing with that level of detail means noticing even the tiniest, most subtle things. And that takes engaging your senses. Maureen Doallas interviews bird listener Heidi Betts about the power of observation.
In the Midst of Tragedy, Art Heals: Interview with Lisa Wayman
Registered nurse Lisa Wayman is board-certified in advanced holistic nursing, which, in simplest terms, is a relationship-based way to care for the ill that is grounded in the philosophy that a patient becomes well when the whole person — body, mind, spirit — is treated and healed. In practice, a holistic nurse “partners” with a […]
Art’s Uncommon Environments: Interview with Evy Lareau
Figurative painter Evy Lareau is an art instructor at a correctional facility. She got the job after responding to a help-wanted ad. She’s worked as an art therapist (she has a master’s degree in art therapy), case manager, and art teacher in residential treatment centers and specialized schools, as well as public schools, around the […]
Apple Trees and Dublin: Interview with Deborah Henry
Our latest title, The Whipping Club, by Deborah Henry, was recently chosen as an Oprah Summer Read. In a nice convergence, one of our favorite people at one of our favorite organizations interviewed Deborah the same week the Oprah news released. So get ready for a little delight and a few apple trees in Ireland… […]
A Simple Rhyme ‘Changed My Life’: Interview with Virginia Poet Laureate Kelly Cherry
Interview with Virginia poet laureate Kelly Cherry.