“Beren and Luthien” by J.R.R. Tolkien is the latest story edited by his son and literary executor Christopher Tolkien, and one of the earliest he wrote.
Shakespeare & Company: Playlist and Prompt
From Natalie Merchant to Duke Ellington, we’ve got a Shakespeare playlist that brings to life the famous playwright and poet, plus a few unexpected tunes.
Heroes and Villains Poetry Prompt: Lord of the Flies
The Lord of the Flies has strong villains and heroes, including the landscape itself. Use it as a source for your next poem?
Photo Play 2: Heroes and Villains
We’re dancing between light & shadow, heroes & villains. Explore the Photo Play contributions from our community. Come write a poem & share it with us.
Photo Play and Poetry Prompt: Heroes and Villains
Sometimes we want to be the hero and other times, the villain. It’s good to have choices. Join us for Photo Play and pick your side.
Heroes and Villains: Playlist and Prompt
We’ve carefully curated this month’s playlist to bring you the songs of heroes and villains. There’s a theme song waiting for you. Just click play.