In “Ambiguity & Belonging,” poet Benjamin Myers has assembled a collection of essays about place, education, and poetry.
Perspective: The Poet Takes a Bike Ride
How does a poet gain perspective? Megan Willome takes a bike ride—in Canada. Share your August reads, fellow poets!
Hermit Crab Essay Series: 001 How to Do A Switch Leap
Callie Feyen begins a new series: The Hermit Crab Essay. She begins with the how-to of a switch leap and reveals something more vulnerable.
How to Like Your Essays, More and More
If you want to like your essays, more and more, it helps to begin by liking others’ work—and seeing what *makes* it work. Get inspiration for how. Plus prompts! From author Charity Singleton Craig.
Rethinking the Role of the Poet: Essays by Micah Mattix
“The Soul Is a Stranger in This World” by Micah Mattix takes a refreshing look at familiar contemporary poets—and at the role of poetry itself.
Pandemic Journal: An Entry on Home Education in a Time of Superlatives
Rebecca D. Martin reflects on educating children at home during the pandemic and finding joy with the weatherman in a time filled with strong words and superlatives.
“The Art of the Essay” Book Club: True
Meaningful essays are capital-T True. Learn how to write essays that endure in the final meeting of ‘The Art of the Essay’ book club.
“The Art of the Essay” Book Club: Truth
The key to essay-writing is getting to the truth. Megan Willome discusses how to get there in our book club on Charity Singleton Craig’s ‘The Art of the Essay.’
Book Club Announcement: “The Art of the Essay”
Get ready to join Tweetspeak Poetry for some essay-writing! Join us next month for a book club about Charity Singleton Craig’s ‘The Art of the Essay.’
A Resource for Fiction Writers and Poets: “The Art of the Essay” — What?
“The Art of the Essay” by Charity Singleton Craig is not only for nonfiction writers; novelists and poets can benefit from it as well.
“The Art of the Essay” by Charity Singleton Craig
“The Art of the Essay” by Charity Singleton Craig is written to writers by a writer who loves what she does and wants other writers to love (and be better at) what they do.
Totally Great Tips for Your College Essay—Interview With An Expert!
What’s the biggest mistake students make when starting to write their college application essay? Get the surprising answer, plus great essay tips, so you can write the best college app essay ever!
A Small Volume of Essays, A Larger World of Poetry
A book of essays first published in 1916 provides a window into poetry and its practitioners, as well as how poetry was taught in classrooms.
“Guilty Thing: A Life of Thomas De Quincey” by Frances Wilson
“Guilty Thing: The Life of Thomas De Quincey” by Frances Wilson details the life of the writer who had, and still has, a major influence on literature.
In Search of The Best American Essays
Laura Brown goes on a tour of Pittsburgh’s independent bookstores in search of the 2016 edition of The Best American Essays.