Need to fall in love this summer? With your own creativity, or some of the great creative geniuses of the past and present? Take our Creative Genius Workshop!
Artist Date: Getting the Mail
Ready for an Artist Date? Lace up your red sneakers and let’s go walk out to pick up the mail.
Creativity Sneak Preview
Creativity is key. Unlock yours with our amazing How to Think Like a Creative Genius Workshop.
For the Writer in You
For the writer in you: workshops that will jumpstart your creativity, enliven your voice, and delight your brain.
Curious Words: The Art of Prospiring
Put a new spin on your procrastination — learn a new word and use prospiring to boost your creative inspiration.
How to Think Like a Creative Genius Workshops
In these workshops, we’ll explore what it means to build and live a creative life. Using Leonardo da Vinci’s 7 principles and journal-keeping style, we’ll return to our senses and creative centers.
Artist Date: Suds
Take an Artist Date in the frigid early spring air above a spillway pulsating with rich white foam.
Artist Date: Orchid Conservatory
Take an Artist Date to the un-useful plant section of a conservatory. Un-useful, that is, unless you see the value of sudden play.
Poetry at Work: Workplace Creativity
Poetry can be used for creativity at work in three ways: to restore, to clarify, to organize.
Artist Date: Freezing Rain
Freezing rain and an ice storm in progress provided a sensory treat for an unexpected Artist Date.
The Artist Date How-To
The artist date is a play date you plan with yourself, by yourself. Go to the river, build a snowman, run your hands over paper and paints at a funky supply store.
Artist Date: Back Room, Meininger’s
The Artist Date is a dream-child of Julia Cameron. Come along on this one, to a back store room at Meininger’s.