It was a full moon night when Catherine Abbey Hodges first began writing poetry. That brave moment has stayed with her. Come be inspired by Catherine’s poetry journey and insights!
Totally Great Tips for Your College Essay—Interview With An Expert!
What’s the biggest mistake students make when starting to write their college application essay? Get the surprising answer, plus great essay tips, so you can write the best college app essay ever!
Applying to College in the Fall? Do These 7 Things this Summer
Getting ready to apply for college? Tania Runyan has 7 things you can do to get yourself ready to choose a college and write your application essay.
How to Write a College Application Essay: Some Final Thoughts
Tania Runyan offers some final thoughts about maintaining perspective in this last installment of our series about writing a college application essay.
How to Write a College Application Essay: Revising, Editing, and Proofreading
Once a draft of the college application essay is written, now it’s time for revising, editing, and proofing. Tania Runyan explains how.
How to Write a College Application Essay: Starting to Write
Tania Runyan uses a few familiar writing techniques to help students who are starting to write their college application essay.
How to Write a College Application Essay: Choosing a Topic
Tania Runyan gives students an idea of the types of questions they may encounter when choosing a topic for their college application essay—including a list of the current Common App questions.
How to Write a College Application Essay: A Closer Look at a Winning Application
This time, we’re going to take a look at how a young man made the most of my College Essay Yes-Yes’s in his own winning application.
How to Write a College Application Essay: So What Kind of Writing Is This?
Tania Runyan offers guidelines for how to write a college application essay, including some no-no’s (and yes-yes’s).
How to Write a College Application Essay: What’s it All About?
Amidst all the data surrounding grades and test scores and class ranking, Tania Runyan assures us the college essay is a chance to just be yourself. Isn’t that a relief?
How to Write a College Application Essay: An Introduction
Introducing the How to Write a College Application Essay series, Tania Runyan assures us that poetry and personal statements aren’t too far off.
How to Beat Writer’s Block by Not Giving Up
What feels like writer’s block might just be giving up too soon. Charity Singleton Craig challenges writers to use persistence toward better creativity.
Follow Your Passion, Don’t Follow Your Passion & Other Master Narratives to Avoid
Follow your passion, don’t follow your passion. The advice is changing day to day. Charity Singleton Craig considers which route is best.
Letters to a Young Editor—How to Use College the Best Way You Can
How can you use college to someday become a great editor? (If you’re already out of college, these tips will still apply.)