Writing poetry from art ignites creativity. For this Image-ine exercise, ponder children and a jump rope with poet Maureen Doallas and artist Lisa Hess Hesselgrave.
Image-ine Poetry: “Bedsheet” by Lisa Hess Hesselgrave
Writing poetry from art ignites creativity and helps you become a better writer. Join Maureen Doallas in this Image-ine exercise based on “Bedsheet, ” a painting by Lisa Hess Hesselgrave.
Poets and Poems: Roger McGough’s “As Far As I Know”
A Poets and Poems review of Roger McGough’s “As Far As I Know, ” a collection of poems published last year that includes both serious and fun poems.
Ghazal Poetry: Sing the Childhood Loss
Ghazal poetry sings the ache. For a lover, yes. But also, at times, for simple loss. Sing the ache of what cannot be reclaimed, in your ghazal poem.
Video Poem: Mortal Ghazal
Moving video poem: “Mortal Ghazal, ” by Luisa A. Igloria