Go on the prowl this month with Sandra Fox Murphy, our 2025 Poet Laura, for some cat poem sleuthing and housecat bossing.
Children’s Book Club: ‘The Cat Who Saved Books’
Why save books? Because they have souls. Join our Children’s Book Club as we read Sosuke Natsukawa’s “The Cat Who Saved Books.”
Poe, Rilke, and Our Black Cat
This Halloween, your black cat can be the instrument of vengeance in the Poe story, or the amber-eyed feline in the poem by Rilke. Or it can be like Kiddy.
Top 10 Poetic Calvin & Hobbes Quotes
Bill Watterson’s characters shed light on the creative imagination of a child. But the beloved comic strip is also quite poetic. Here are 10 great Calvin & Hobbes poems.
Take Your Poet to Work: Wisława Szymborska
Meet Polish poet Wisława Szymborska as we continue our preparations for celebrating Take Your Poet to Work Day on July 15.
Cat Poetry: Ancient Cat Poems
Cats have a long history that can be plumbed and poeticized—from Egypt to China, Greece to Japan.
Cat Poetry: Grumpy Cat Poems
Cat poems are sometimes grumpy cat poems. Write yours catalog style?
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
San Francisco in toothpicks, getting Beowulf wrong, everything Emily Dickinson ever wrote on. It’s this week’s Top 10 Poetic Picks.
Cat Poetry: Funny Poems by Cats
Cat poems are sometimes funny poems. Especially if the cat is the one who wrote them! Come now, be the cat.
Cat Poetry: The Cat’s Meow Playlist & Prompt
Cat poetry has been around for a long time. And why not? Cats are just so intriguing!
Top 10 Funny Poems
What makes for funny poems? Maybe the same things that make any writing funny. Enjoy a laugh and these ten funny poems.
Now Look Who’s Writing Poetry: Cats
Cats write poems about family, work, play, and existence in I Could Pee on This by Francesco Marciuliano.
Take Your Poet to Work: T.S. Eliot
Take your favorite poet with you to work for Take Your Poet to Work Day coming up July 17. This week we’re featuring poet T.S. Eliot.
Take Your Poet to Work: The Haiku Masters
Our first poet collection releases for Take Your Poet to Work Day: The Haiku Masters (Matsuo Basho, Yosa Buson, Kobayashi Issa)