“The Joy of Poetry” by Megan Willome tells the story of her mother and herself, what poetry can do in a person’s life, and what it does in all of our lives.
The Joy of Poetry: As Much as She Could Carry
Enjoy an excerpt of the newest title from T. S. Poetry Press, The Joy of Poetry: How to Keep, Save & Make Your Life with Poems.
Poetic Voices: Lucia Cherciu and Sarah Nichols
Recent poetry collections by Lucia Cherciu and Sarah Nichols reflect the poetry of exile, but in very different ways – exile from one’s country and voluntary exile and isolation.
9 Ways to Include Libraries in Your Book Marketing Plan
When you plan for your book release, don’t overlook libraries in your book marketing plan. Working with libraries can be fun, fulfilling, and financially surprising.
“The Year of Lear: Shakespeare in 1606″
“The Year of Lear: Shakespeare in 1606” by James Shapiro is a masterful re-creation of a critical year in the life of William Shakespeare.
Literary Tour: Samuel Johnson House, London
A tour of the Samuel Johnson House allows a view into the man who wrote “The Dictionary of the English Language” and helped save Shakespeare from oblivion.
Top 10 Anne of Avonlea Quotes
Are you a fan of the beloved L.M. Montgomery novels? Enjoy 10 great quotes from Anne of Avonlea and share your favorite with us.
Poets and Poems: Sarah Howe and “Loop of Jade”
Young poet Sarah Howe has won the prestigious T.S. Eliot Prize for her collection “Loop of Jade.” And a beautiful collection it is.
Poets and Poems: Danniel Schoonebeek and “American Barricade”
Danniel Schoonebeek’s “American Barricade” is an important collection blending the personal with the social and stressing the importance of language.
Using T.S. Eliot to Explain PTSD
In fictional and almost poetic form, Andy Owen describes what has gone by such names as shell shock and battle fatigue but we know as PTSD.
Poetic Voices: Jen Karetnick and E. Kristin Anderson
Both Jen Karetnick and E. Kristin Anderson use subjects in popular culture to inspire their poetry: Karetnick writes about food; Anderson, about the pop star Prince.
Celebrate! It’s Poetry at Work Day 2016!
Poetry is in all work, speaking to us, singing to us. Download our resources, and come, celebrate Poetry at Work Day 2016 with us.
Falling in Love with “Brooklyn”
The movie “Brooklyn, ” about the Irish immigrant experience in America in the 1950s, is a movie to fall in love with.
T.S. Eliot at the British Library, Part 2
Collecting and annotating the poetry of a writer like T.S. Eliot is fraught with challenges and difficulties, not the least reason being Eliot himself editing his poems over time, or manuscripts of the same poem with variations. Listen to two editors who described the challenge at a British Library presentation.
T.S. Eliot at the British Library, Part 1
At the British Library, the editors of a new edition of the poems of T.S. Eliot discuss the poet and his work.
Making Little Free Library No. 25, 001
A new Little Free Library in Michelle DeRusha’s Lincoln, NE, neighborhood brings out the dog-walkers, the amblers, the wanderers and the book lovers.
Poets and Poems: Sean O’Brien and “The Drowned Book”
The Drowned Book and The Beautiful Librarians by U.K. poet Sean O’Brien show how he’s one of the finest poets writing in English today.
Poetry for Life: Poems on the Underground
“Poems on the Underground” collects some 230 poems which have been posted on the London Underground since 1986.
Robert Crawford on the Young T.S. Eliot
Robert Crawford’s “Young Eliot: From St. Louis to The Waste Land, ” is a wonderfully in-depth biography of the early years of the 20th century’s major poet.
On Being a Writer—Tell Us Your Story!
Join us for our newest book club offering, a three-week community discussion of On Being a Writer by Ann Kroeker and Charity Singleton Craig.