Tonight, U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón reveals her poem, commissioned by NASA to be sent to Europa, Jupiter’s moon. Our own Poet Laura, Dheepa R. Maturi, reveals her own poem to Earth’s moon.
Poems to Listen By: Black Bird Soirée—07: Corvid, Covid
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Happy Ideas: Poetry Prompt Series
Take a cue from Mary Syzbist and Duchamp. Put a poem together that contains some unexpected Happy Ideas! (Blue velvet shoes, anyone?)
Poetry Prompt: Sherlock Holmes Day!
Today is Sherlock Holmes Day. What better time to write a poem to the sleuth? Or about him. Or about his associate Watson?
Poems to Listen By: Black Bird Soirée 06—Noah’s Crow
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Poetry Prompt: How To Write A French Poem
Join author Callie Feyen as she explores a few French form poems! And play with how to write a French poem for yourself.
Poetry Prompt: Create by Feel
Join author Callie Feyen as she walks with another writer who inspires her to lean in and create by feel in times when it’s hard to know the art you are trying to make.
Happy Birthday, Every Day Poems!
Every Day Poems turns twelve today. A dozen years of poetry love. A dozen years of inspiration. Come write a birthday poem in celebration!
Poet Laura: A Tribute to Laura Barkat—and All the Other “Lauras”
One of the Poet Laura’s tasks each year is to write poems about Lauras. This month, Dheepa R. Maturi pays tribute to the special Lauras who bring light to the world.
Poetry Prompt: Spanish Story—Just a Minute
Join author Callie Feyen as she reads a Spanish-inspired story to children that opens up stories of her own life.
Poems to Listen By: Black Bird Soirée 05—Poet, In Japan Alps
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Poetry Prompt: Weekend Keeping
How many ways can we keep what’s precious, asks author Callie Feyen. Come along and keep what you love or wish you’d loved, in a poem.
Poet Laura: Happy Earth Day, and Don’t Miss the Trees for the Forest
For Earth Day, Dheepa R. Maturi, Tweetspeak’s Poet Laura, writes about the benefits of forest bathing and the perils of rainforest sleeping.
50 States of Generosity- New Jersey
In this latest 50 States of Generosity, join Nikki Rank as she explores New Jersey’s music, food, poetry, and more!
Poems to Listen By: Black Bird Soirée 04—A Plausible Story
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Poetry Prompt: Women Are Dancing
Join author Callie Feyen for Women’s History Month, as she writes about two women and Aretha Franklin who gave her a little sparkle in the dark.
Poetry Prompt: Found in the Library
A delightful tale of finding and being found in the library. With a dash of amusement. Join author Callie Feyen and write your own library poem.
Poetry Prompt: Library of Memories
Which books have you seemingly outgrown but still treasure? Join Callie Feyen as she writes her daughters and tells them about the stories she hopes they won’t forget.
Poet Laura: Sideways on a Boat — on Snafus and Haiku
Tweetspeak’s Poet Laura, Dheepa R. Maturi, finds humor, solace and haiku in the wake of a sinking boat and tragedy avoided.
Poetry Prompt: Three Roads To What You Love
Join author Callie Feyen and explore the many roads there are to get at what we love.