How do you keep reading generously when you don’t like a story? Megan Willome says writing a poem may help.
Poet Laura: Poultry Poetry—Feeding Grapes and Reading Sonnets to Chickens
This month, our intrepid Poet Laura visits chickens on a chilly day, bearing delicious grapes and heartfelt sonnets.
The Reindeer Chronicles Book Club: That Which Has Been Damaged Can Be Healed
In the first installment of our Reindeer Chronicles, we explore the amazing regeneration of China’s Loess Plateau after centuries of degradation.
Fiction Prompt: Chapter 6, The Hank Aaron Party
Our fiction prompt series continues with a party filled with romance and heartache. Join author Callie Feyen for chapter 5 of her YA story.
Fiction Prompt: Chapter 5, Hank Aaron, Sugar Cookies, and Romance
Our fiction prompt series continues with sugar cookies honoring Hank Aaron, sort of. Join author Callie Feyen for chapter 5 of her YA story.
To Kill a Mockingbird’s Boo Radley: A Poetic Secret Message
Imagine the secrets of Boo Radley, get creative & put your imagination into a poem. Read a To Kill a Mockingbird poem by Tania Runyan first, to get started!
Poetry Prompt: Poems of Experience
“The Hobbit” is more than a book for children. Callie Feyen considers how to learn from Bilbo and write poems of experience.
How Blogging Works for Writers: Think Seasons
Author Megan Willome shares how blogging works, through seasons, and why she is currently letting the space lie fallow.
Poetry Club Tea Date ✨ Kissed
Get your favorite steep (or brew) & join us in writing a poem based on a line from “Kissed” by David Malone: “You held my name in your coat.”
Generosity with Self: When You’re In The Wrong Story
Callie Feyen reflects on Henry VI and encourages Winchester to be generous enough with himself to leave when he’s in the wrong story.
The Generativity of Wild Things: On Rethinking Our Relationship With Money
Have you ever thought—really thought—about how money works? The wild things have something to teach us. And it starts with sugar.
Children’s Book Club: ‘Katy and the Big Snow’
Read “Katie and the Big Snow” by Virginia Lee Burton, a story of a snow plow named Katie that makes life a little easier during a crisis.
Great Gatsby Fashion: Jay Gatsby Goes to Goodwill
Learn a little about Great Gatsby fashion, then get creative and put your learning into a poem. Read a Gatsby poem by Tania Runyan first, to get started!
Poetry Prompt: ‘Twelfth Night’ and the Fool
What do you do when reading (or living) a difficult story? Callie Feyen suggests you consider poetry and Shakespeare’s Fool from ‘Twelfth Night.’
Book Club Announcement: The Reindeer Chronicles
We start our 2021 book club season with a title to help us work with the language of crisis and stories of possibility in the Reindeer Chronicles by Judith D. Schwartz.
Reading Generously: ‘How We Fight for Our Lives’ by Saeed Jones
This month our book review column becomes Reading Generously. We begin with Saeed Jones’ open-handed memoir.
Pandemic Journal: War is Over (If You Want It)
As we enter the new year, Every Day Poems editor Richard Maxson considers how we have persisted in a difficult year, and how we continue, if we want it.
Poet Laura: The Generosity of the Earth
As we leave 2020, our Poet Laura reflects on the generosity of the earth to her inhabitants, and considers ways to give back to the earth. Earth poetry included!
Fiction Prompt: Chapter Four, Into the Gray with Campfire Pies
Our fiction series continues as Carter moves deeper into the gray, with campfire pies. Join author Callie Feyen for chapter 4.
Books on Writing: A Line of Words
Annie Dillard, Madeleine L’Engle, Charity Singleton Craig and Andrew Peterson guide Rebecca D. Martin on a wander through the writing books on her shelf.