The butterfly heralds the arrival of summer and invites childlike wonder. Our Poet Laura, Laura Boggess, shares a butterfly story and three butterfly poems.
Poetry Prompt: The Poetry of Ordinary Time
What magic can you find in your ordinary life, during ordinary time? Join Callie Feyen for a poetry prompt about the magic in the ordinary.
Reading Generously: Happy Endings
Are happy endings audacious? For this month’s Reading Generously column, Megan Willome considers the hope they offer.
Poems to Listen By: Moonstruck 01—The Wind and the Moon
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
On Rest, Hammocks, and Wasting a Life With James Wright
What does it mean to waste a life? Melissa Poulin explores James Wright and how, from the hammock’s viewpoint, wasting a life and living fully might be inextricably intertwined.
Poetry Prompt: So Many Other Better Things To Do
Callie Feyen finds poetry for the crisis, both external and internal. Join her for a summer poetry prompt about what to do besides worry.
50 States of Generosity: Wisconsin
We continue our 50 States of Generosity series with a focus on Wisconsin and its state fruit: the cranberry. Plus poetry!
Teacher Stories—My First Villanelle (Thank You, How to Write a Form Poem!)
So much is changing—has changed—in this world. Rebecca D. Martin finds a deep leaving-truth in her first villanelle and her first experience as a teacher.
Grammar for a Full Life Book Club: On Becoming Less Possessive
Are your possessive pronouns making you hold onto things a little too tightly? Charity Singleton Craig says loosen your grip, in the final installment of Grammar for a Full Life book club.
Children’s Book Club: ‘Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe’
For pride month we read Benjamin Alire Sáenz’s “Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe.” Join our YA Children’s Book Club.
Home is Where the School Is—A Pandemic’s Eye View of Homeschooling Vs Virtual Learning
An exploration of homeschooling vs virtual learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Includes interviews with 15 parents, students, and educators!
Poet Laura: Brain Fog, Fatigue and the Fireflies
As our worlds begin to reopen, the brain fog, fatigue, and discomfort can linger. Our Poet Laura, Laura Boggess, helps us reemerge with the fireflies.
Grammar for a Full Life Book Club: Chilling Out on the Grammar Rules
In this week’s book club discussion of Grammar for a Full Life, Charity Singleton Craig helps parse when the grammar rules matter, and when we can chill out.
Poetry Prompt: Peonies on How To Open Up
Join author Callie Feyen as she explores what it means to open ourselves up in this world. Just like the peonies.
Clarisse McClellan, The Karate Kid, and (Finally) Reading Fahrenheit 451
Tania Runyan reflects on The Karate Kid and writes a letter to Clarisse McClellan from Fahrenheit 451.
Grammar for a Full Life Book Club: A Passive Voice
Charity Singleton Craig kicks off our latest book club with a discussion of the ways that passive voice can take away agency and responsibility.
Poetry Prompt: Giving and Receiving with Creative Nonfiction
Join author Callie Feyen as she explores ways of giving and receiving with creative nonfiction as a guide.
By Heart: ‘Motherload’ + Li-Young Lee Challenge
For this month’s By Heart, we learn a poem about motherhood by Kate Baer, called “Motherload.”
On Writing and Living in the World: Coming Back To Life
As the world begins to reopen, Callie Feyen explores the ways we protect ourselves, and the ways we can begin coming back to life.
50 States of Generosity: Louisiana
We continue our 50 States of Generosity series with a focus on the Pelican state: Louisiana and its unique skyscraper capitol building . Plus poetry!