Poems on the Writing Life start with life—whether real or imagined. Take a walk with author Callie Feyen and find your “writing life” poems!
Children’s Book Club: ‘Llama Llama Misses Mama’
Let’s get all up in our feelings with Llama LLama, off to school without his mama. Join us for an Anna Dewdney Children’s Book Club.
Poetry Prompt: Love In Algebra
Join author Callie Feyen for a poetry prompt as she considers the many ways (some mathematical) to say, “I love you.”
Reading Generously: Sacred Reading with Jane Eyre
Some books bear up under rereading generously, like Charlote Brontë’s “Jane Eyre.” Especially with sacred reading.
Poetry Prompt: Writing Letters of Three
Join author Callie Feyen for a poetry prompt as she thinks about an idea for teaching, but chooses instead to pick hydrangeas.
By Heart: ‘What Men Die For Lack Of’ + New Christina Rossetti Challenge
You’d be surprised by what men die for lack of. So, we’re going on a poem hunt to make things better. Plus, we’re learning an Abigail Carroll poem about poetry By Heart.
Reading Shakespeare: King Lear & the Mystery of Things
Callie Feyen’s year-long “reading Shakespeare” experience takes her to King Lear, and the moment of crossing the place where mystery and empathy intersect.
New Release!—Announcing Mildred’s Garden
A love story on multiple levels, Mildred’s Garden stirs our hearts with the hope that beauty, love, and “beginning again” can bring to any life when challenges arise.
50 States of Generosity: Oklahoma!
We continue our 50 States of Generosity project with a focus on Oklahoma — land of milk and cookies. And First Americans.
Poems to Listen By: Moonstruck 03—A Pause in the Sky
In this episode of Poems to Listen By: Moonstruck, Laurie Klein reflects on the moon and passage of time with Dame Carol Ann Duffy, Gregory Orr and Kelli Russell Agodon.
Children’s Book Club: ‘The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs!’
Read a fractured fairy tale about the three little pigs — from the wolf’s perspective. He was framed. (Wolf’s honor!)
3 Theater Activities to Bring Students Fresh Realities
As students and teachers return to the classroom after the pandemic shutdowns, Dana Kinsey offers 3 interactive theatre scenarios to help regain their footing.
Poetry Prompt: Of Plagues and Emergence
Join author Callie Feyen for a poetry prompt about an unexpected emergence and what to do now with this plague and need.
Reading Generously: Violent Stories
Why do we read violent stories? In this month’s Reading Generously column, Megan Willome reads Cormac McCarthy and Angie Thomas.
Poet Laura: Deep Listening to Dog Days and Brown Thrashers
Join Laura Boggess and Natalie Goldberg and Emma Lazarus for deep listening with a Brown Thrasher amidst the dog days of summer.
Poetry Prompt: Small Things—Quivering Carrot Leaves and Trampled Daisies
The big things in our lives can often be best written by focusing on small things. Join us for a poetry prompt about how to say it plainly.
Summer Break & Take Your Poet to Work Day
The Tweetspeak team invites you to join us in taking a summer break with all the Take Your Poet to Work Day poets for inspirational company.
By Heart: Fall In Love With Poetry + New Abigail Carroll Challenge
Do you want to fall in love with poetry? Memorize a poem (or thirty-six). This By Heart column shows how—with time and tea.
Poems to Listen By: Moonstruck 02—Facts About the Moon
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On Finishing a Poem & the Top of Your Head
Emily Dickinson and a group of young divers help Callie Feyen by the side of the pool as she ponders how to go about finishing a poem.