What happened when we journeyed to the famous Louvre museum? Enjoy this fun veni, vidi, vici story, and craft a poem on the way.
Inspired to Draw “Dracula” Daily – 200 Times
“Drawing Dracula Daily” by Sara Barkat is a collection of almost 200 illustrations of scenes from the Bram Stoker gothic novel.
Going on Holiday—Things to Unwrap While We’re Away!
We’re going on holiday. But before we go, we’re sharing a few things for you to unwrap while we’re away. See you on Jan 2!
Poets and Poems: Rowan Evans and “A Method, A Path”
In “A Method, A Path,” British poet Rowan Evans points to the music in poetry, and to the poetry in music.
New Gift Book! Drawing Dracula Daily
A new art book for lovers of gothic classics. Drawing Dracula Daily has almost 200 illustrations that chronicle the original tale!
Finding Poetry—An Interview with Poet Rick Maxson
Over a lifetime, Rick Maxon found poetry—even though he began by writing “horrible poems” (as he says) and even though he originally felt perplexed when trying to read poems.
Poets and Poems: Rick Maxson and “Under the Pearl Moon”
“Under the Pearl Moon” by Rick Maxson moves you from where and when you’re reading into your own personal memory palace.
“The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” by Robert Louis Stevenson
“The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” by Robert Louis Stevenson is a gothic thriller and an unsettling work for modern readers.
Poetry Prompt: Abstract Poetry
Abstract poetry is the perfect kind of verse to write as a form of playing with words, to shake loose your inner poetic style.
Poets and Poems: B.H. Fairchild and “An Ordinary Life”
In “An Ordinary Life,” poet B.H. Fairchild looks to the ordinary to find solace for grief at the death of his son.
British Poet Laureate Simon Armitage Writes Song Lyrics
In “Never Good with Horses,” British Poet Laureate Simon Armitage publishes a collection of song lyrics that blur the difference between poem and song.
Every Day Poems: Community Centos + New Poetry Club Invitation!
Come enjoy the lovely centos created by your fellow poetry club members. Then receive your invitation to November’s club activity!
How to Do a Simple Poetry Mandala
Maybe you’d like to try a poetry mandala but you want to start simple. Here are two ways to create simple poetry mandalas. Display them and enjoy memorizing your chosen lines!
Poets and Poems: Lola Haskins and “Homelight”
In “Homelight: Poems,” Lola Haskins has a new slant on “slant,” allowing each poem to have its own perspective.
Poets and Poems: Jordan Pérez and “Santa Tarantula”
In her first poetry collection, Jordan Pérez presents hard realities that remind us of our duty not to look away.
Poetry Prompt: Surprising Straw
What do you think of when you hear the word “straw”? Maybe The 3 Little Pigs. Or maybe one of the many surprising uses of straw. Let’s make (strong) poems out of straw!
Poets and Poems: Ben Okri and “A Fire in My Head”
“A Fire in My Head: Poems for the Dawn” by Ben Okri offers hope even for the darkest of subjects and events.
Poetry Prompt: Beginning “Ab Ovo” or “From the Egg”
Sometimes it’s best to start your poem in the middle of things, but sometimes it can also be intriguing to begin ab ovo (“from the egg”)!
Watching “The Two Towers” at the Royal Albert Hall
Watching a favorite movie like “The Two Towers” in Royal Albert Hall with a live soundtrack is an unforgettable experience.
How to Simple-Collage Your Poems
Short on time for doing a full poetry collage? Try this simple-collage approach. And bring a little extra art to your poems.