Tweetspeak Poetry’s Year of the Monarch called for planting milkweed. No one knew that I was secretly the Milkweed Eraser.
Poets and Poems: Joseph Bottum and “Spending the Winter”
“Spending the Winter” by Joseph Bottum contains both free verse and New Formalist poems that are all strikingly beautiful.
Text & Image: Interview with Ellen Kombiyil
From beginnings to writer’s block, from ambles to art-making—check out this interview with poet Ellen Kombiyil!
Poets and Poems: Jules Jacob & Sonja Johanson and “Rappaccini’s Garden: Poisonous Poetry”
In “Rappaccini’s Garden: Poisonous Poetry,” Jules Jacob and Sonja Johanson have visualized the plants of a Nathaniel Hawthorne short story.
Poets and Poems: Ellen Kombiyil and “Love as Invasive Species”
In “Love as an Invasive Species,” poet Ellen Kombiyil takes us out of comfort zones to tells stories of women who face and survive adversity.
Poets and Poems: Emily Patterson and “Haiku at 5:38 a.m.”
In “Haiku at 5:38 a.m.” poet Emily Patterson uses the haiku form to describe each hour of the day for a woman and young mother.
Poets and Poems: Tina Barry and “I Tell Henrietta”
“I Tell Henrietta” by Tina Barry combines free verse, prose poems, and artwork by Kristin Flynn to create something striking and inventive.
Glass & Gardening: Interview with Poet Jules Jacob
Two collections within one year’s time. Meet poet Jules Jacob and learn how she’s handled the challenge. Plus discover her inspirations!
An Anthology of Contemporary Catholic Poetry
The anthology “Contemporary Catholic Poetry” showcases 23 poets, including some of the best writing poetry today.
Poetry Prompt: Wordle Your Way
Jumpstart your poetry with a Wordle—as a basis for a found poem. Our Wordle came from The Year of the Monarch poems that you wrote!
Poets and Poems: Claire Coenen and “The Beautiful Keeps Breathing”
In “The Beautiful Keeps Breathing.” poet Claire Coenen finds the beautiful in things and events of the everyday.
Poets and Poems: Joshua Hren and “Last Things, First Things, and Other Lost Causes”
“First Things, Last Things, and Other Lost Causes” by Joshua Hren is about the state of the culture and the need for redemption.
Poetry Prompt: My Poem is an Oasis
Our August theme is Desert & Oasis. Come write a poem that’s an oasis for your readers.
Poets and Poems: Spencer K.M. Brown and “Cicada Rex”
In “Cicada Rex: Poems,” poet and novelist Spencer K.M. Brown displays remarkable insights about life, nature, and, of course, cicadas.
Poets and Poems: Gabrielle Myers and “Break Self: Feed”
The poems of “Break Self: Feed” by Gabrielle Myers remind us of our intricate and intimate connection to the natural world.
Poetry Club Tea Date ✨ My Heart
Get your favorite steep (or brew) and join us in writing a quick poem based on Kim Addonizio’s “My Heart.” Her heart is a Mississippi chicken shack. What’s yours?
Jay Parini Has 16 Robert Frost Poems to Memorize
In “Robert Frost: Sixteen Poems to Learn by Heart,” Jay Parini has written a great introduction to the poet and reasons to memorize his work.
Poetry Prompt: Sink or Swim
How do you learn best in life? Maybe you prefer to be pushed into a sink or swim situation. Or maybe you prefer a choice (and a gentle approach). Let’s poem our way into sink or swim!
Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz – The 17th Century Poet (and Nun)
Juana Inés de la Cruz was one of the leading poets and philosophers of the Spanish Golden Age. And she was a nun.
Poetry Club: Notebook It
You needn’t always be taking big steps to develop a meaningful, life-altering poetry practice. That’s why we love this simplest of ideas.