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Poems and Photos: Kelly Belmonte, Tom Darin Liskey, and “Transit”
The 22 paired poems and photographs of “Transit” by Kelly Belmonte and Tom Darin Liskey collectively move the heart and stir the soul.
Children’s Book Club: ‘Homesick: My Own Story’ by Jean Fritz
How much of writing comes from narration? Our Children’s Book Club reads Jean Fritz’s “Homesick: My Own Story,” a Newbery Honor-winner.
Poets and Poems: Isabel Chenot and “The Joseph Tree”
“The Joseph Tree” by Isabel Chenot is filled with poems about natural beauty — and the hope and gratitude that beauty inspires.
Perspective: When Authors Keep Secrets
It’s one thing when a narrator keeps secrets. It’s another when an author keeps them. Join us for “The Remains of the Day.”
Poet Laura: The How-To Poem
Poetry is a place of learning and exploration, from a poem’s “aha moment” to a how-to poem full of heart. Poet Laura Karen Paul Holmes shows us how.
Dickens and the World in 1851: “The Turning Point” by Robert Douglas-Fairhurst
“The Turning Point” by Robert Douglas-Fairhurst tells the story of Charles Dickens in 1851, between “David Copperfield” and “Bleak House.”
Poetry Prompt: Six-Room Poetry
Join author Callie Feyen as she wallows in the Michigan fog. That is, until her daughter changes her mind and prompts poetry.
By Heart: ‘Wintering’ + New Charlotte Mew Challenge
We have a bit more wintering to do. Do you have your honey? Join us as we learn Sylvia Plath’s poem “Wintering” By Heart.
‘Wintering’ book club: Thaw & Lapwing
After winter comes thaw and a surprise—lapwing. Join us for the third and final book club discussing Katherine May’s “Wintering.”
Fairies, Lovers, and Warriors: “The Book of Celtic Verse” by John Matthews
In “The Book of Celtic Verse,” John Matthews has collected a diverse group of poems covering 2,000 years of Celtic history.
Poetry Prompt: 5 Things to Do With A Mistake
How many ways can you look at a mistake? Join Callie Feyen and take your mistake out for a walk. And write a poem about the process.
50 States of Generosity: Pennsylvania
We continue our 50 States of Generosity series with a focus on Pennsylvania and its status as a commonwealth.
‘Wintering’ book club: Cold Water & Resilient Gulls
Swimming in cold water, Katherine May sees gulls and feels unburdened. Join us for our second book club reading “Wintering.”
Poetic Voices: River Dixon and Thomas Colquith
“Come Looking” by River Dixon and “We Grow in Groves” by Thomas Colquith explore regret, loss, and life in different poetic ways.
Poetry Prompt: A Not-Yet Valentine
This week join author Callie Feyen as she writes a Valentine poem for people who aren’t Romeo and Juliet. Yet.
Children’s Book Club: ‘Once Upon a Camel’
In middle-grade stories the journey can happen Anywhere. Even to a camel, far from home. Join us for Kathi Appelt’s “Once Upon a Camel.”
Postcards from Burrow & Meadow · No. 3 Listening
Bethany Rohde sends a new postcard from Burrow & Meadow with raindrops that inhabit the memory of a young daughter.
‘Wintering’ book club: Hot Water & Starlings
A flock of starlings signals Katherine May is in hot water. Join us for our first book club discussion of “Wintering.”
Poets and Poems: Kenneth Steven and “Iona”
The poems of “Iona” by Kenneth Steven take us to a Scottish island of both history and remembered childhood.