“Quadrilateral: Utterances” by David Russell is a feast of language that leaves you both sated and hungry for more.
Poetry Prompt: When I Am Old
What kind of person will I be “When I am old”? Callie Feyen writes a poem in which she relishes, for a moment, being exactly who she is.
Perspective: Found in Translation
Nothing is lost in translation in Maria Dahvana Headley’s contemporary rendering of “Beowulf” — backward, in high heels.
Poet Laura: Passing on the Laura-ship
Karen Paul Holmes bids farewell as she concludes her term as Tweetspeak’s Poet Laura and passes her Laura-ship on to another.
Flowers of California: Crape Myrtle
California’s papery crape myrtle blooms played companion to Tania Runyan as a budding writer in her back yard.
“The Illustrated Emily Dickinson” for Children – and Adults
“The Illustrated Emily Dickinson” by Ryan Van Cleave introduces the poet and 25 of her best-known poems to younger audiences.
Poetry Prompt: But Take Away The Fear
Teacher and author Callie Feyen can’t take away the fear of creating something new, but she can help you turn your fear into poetry.
By Heart: ‘The Secret’ by Denise Levertov
The secret of life is found in a sudden line of poetry. Join us as we learn Denise Levertov’s “The Secret” By Heart.
Earth Song Book Club: Poems in the Silence
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“Making Peace with Paradise” by Tania Runyan
In “Making Peace with Paradise,” Tania Runyan reflects on her upbringing in the state that gave us suburbs and the Beach Boys.
Can a Machine Write Better Than You?—5 Best (And Worst) AI Poem Generators
Ever wanted AI to write a poem for you? Well, you’re in luck—here are 5 best AI poem generators around, featuring Hades and Persephone.
50 States of Generosity: California
We continue our 50 States of Generosity series with a focus on California and the all-American fabric produced there: denim.
Earth Song Book Club: Garden Poems
In this week’s Earth Song discussion, Rebecca Martin starts smack dab in the middle of garden poems.
Classic Biography: “Edgar Lee Masters” by Herbert Russell
In his classic biography of Edgar Lee Masters, Herbert Russell tells the story of a writer defined by one single, enormously successful work.
Poetry Prompt: Poem for a Summer’s Finish
Join author Callie Feyen has she explores summer’s finish and autumn’s beginning as her daughter prepares to start high school.
Children’s Book Club: ‘The Cat Who Saved Books’
Why save books? Because they have souls. Join our Children’s Book Club as we read Sosuke Natsukawa’s “The Cat Who Saved Books.”
Making Peace With Paradise—Celebrate + Poetry Prompt!
Celebrate the release of the new book from one of your favorite poetry how-to authors. Check out Making Peace With Paradise + poetry prompt!
Earth Song Book Club: Force of Nature
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Poets and Poems: Kathy Fagan and “Bad Hobby”
The 45 poems of “Bad Hobby” by Kathy Fagan return continually to the importance of family and relationships.
Poetry Prompt: Back to School Moment
Join author Callie Feyen in a back to school moment, as she explores the poetry that can come from standing in the shoes of someone else.