Join author Callie Feyen as she contemplates what a monarch butterfly can show us about changing and resting at the same time.
Poet Laura on the Moon
Tonight, U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón reveals her poem, commissioned by NASA to be sent to Europa, Jupiter’s moon. Our own Poet Laura, Dheepa R. Maturi, reveals her own poem to Earth’s moon.
Poems to Listen By: Black Bird Soirée—07: Corvid, Covid
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Poets and Poems: Bruce Beasley and “Prayershreds”
After reading the 18 poems of “Prayershreds” by Bruce Beasley, you’ll find yourself, and your poetic head, in a very different place.
Happy Ideas: Poetry Prompt Series
Take a cue from Mary Syzbist and Duchamp. Put a poem together that contains some unexpected Happy Ideas! (Blue velvet shoes, anyone?)
Poets and Poems: James Sale and “StairWell”
In “StairWell,” poet James Sale continues his Dante-like epic poem, a marvel of imagination and insight into postmodernism.
Poetry Prompt: Sherlock Holmes Day!
Today is Sherlock Holmes Day. What better time to write a poem to the sleuth? Or about him. Or about his associate Watson?
Poems to Listen By: Black Bird Soirée 06—Noah’s Crow
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Poets and Poems: Catherine Esposito Prescott and “Accidental Garden”
The 42 poems of “Accidental Garden” by Catherine Esposito Prescott consider the eternal question of whether life is planned or accidental.
Poetry Prompt: How To Write A French Poem
Join author Callie Feyen as she explores a few French form poems! And play with how to write a French poem for yourself.
Yes, Edith Wharton was also a poet
Edith Wharton not only wrote fiction and nonfiction; she also wrote poetry, publishing her first collection at age 16.
Poetry Prompt: Create by Feel
Join author Callie Feyen as she walks with another writer who inspires her to lean in and create by feel in times when it’s hard to know the art you are trying to make.
Awe & Wonder Journal
Awe & Wonder is our 2023 annual theme at Tweetspeak Poetry, because we know how important awe and wonder are, to help people not just survive, but thrive. Join us for a special series?
Happy Birthday, Every Day Poems!
Every Day Poems turns twelve today. A dozen years of poetry love. A dozen years of inspiration. Come write a birthday poem in celebration!
Poet Laura: A Tribute to Laura Barkat—and All the Other “Lauras”
One of the Poet Laura’s tasks each year is to write poems about Lauras. This month, Dheepa R. Maturi pays tribute to the special Lauras who bring light to the world.
Poets and Poems: John Sibley Williams and “Skyscrape”
In “Skyscrape,” poet John Sibley Williams reaches for an understanding of the cultural by using the lens of the personal.
Poetry Prompt: Spanish Story—Just a Minute
Join author Callie Feyen as she reads a Spanish-inspired story to children that opens up stories of her own life.
Poems to Listen By: Black Bird Soirée 05—Poet, In Japan Alps
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Edward Hirsch and “The Heart of American Poetry”
In “The Heart of American Poetry,” Edward Hirsch has written both a personal memoir and a love letter to American poetry.
Poetry Club Tea Date ✨ The Color of Eyes
Get your favorite steep (or brew) & join us in writing a poem based on “The Color of Eyes Is the Color of Soul” by Xueyan.