Are you invited to the party? We’d love to have you.
Ghazal Poetry: Sing the Old Songs
Ghazal poetry was traditionally a sung form, invoking other traditional symbols like the gazelle. Invoke an old song image for your own?
Ghazal Poetry: Sing the Childhood Loss
Ghazal poetry sings the ache. For a lover, yes. But also, at times, for simple loss. Sing the ache of what cannot be reclaimed, in your ghazal poem.
Twitter Poetry: Top Ten Poetic Tweets
Sometimes, we read a tweet and say to ourselves, “That’s poetry.” Here are ten of the best poetic tweets we’ve seen in the last few weeks.
Ghazal Poetry: Do the Twist Prompt
Ghazal poetry sometimes asks the big questions. Who am I? Why am I here? And, for that matter, why are you?
Ghazal Poetry: How to Write a Ghazal & Playlist!
Ghazal poetry is poetry of longing. Check out these easy instructions for How to Write a Ghazal. And smile at “Hip-Hop Ghazal, ” by Patricia Smith.
Video Poem: Mortal Ghazal
Moving video poem: “Mortal Ghazal, ” by Luisa A. Igloria
Get Your Official Poetry at Work Day Poster!
Poetry at Work Day is coming Tues., January 14, 2014. Post the news at your workplace, library, or school or just own the poster for posterity. 1st 500 Free!
Tattoo Poetry: Jealousy Between the Inks
Be a tattoo that has had to share the body that bears it. How do you feel about the other tattoos?
Top Ten Poetry Videos
Poetry by its very nature is visual, its words alone enough to conjure vivid, lifelike images. Even so, we’ve rounded up ten great poetry videos.
Tattoo Poetry: Ode on a Grecian Urn Prompt
Tattoo poetry is permanent poetry—captured by the body that bears it. There’s a sense in which it is locked in time and form, much the way the painted Greek lovers were perpetually locked to the vase in “Ode on a Grecian Urn.”
Tattoo Poetry: The Ink’s Journey Prompt
Tattoo poetry is *ink transforming*—telling a story or covering one, or giving a person something to live into that is yet untold.
Tattoo Poetry: Inked with an Author Prompt
Get inked with your author; give us a poem that tells the tale.
Poetry Video: Historical Fragment
A poetry video that will make you stop and watch. Mesmerizing, as the cards fly.
Best Tattoo Songs: Plus, Poetry
To kick off this month’s new Tattoo poetry theme, we gathered a list of the best tattoo songs we could find.
Bottled & Canned: A Secret Poetry Prompt
Think of a secret you want or need to preserve. Put it in a bottle or can. Will it go in easily? This is poetry. We don’t need to know the actual secret.
Ten Great Writing Playlists & Poetry Prompts
Do you have a favorite playlist you listen to while you write poetry? We’re featuring ten of our favorite themed writing playlists.
Writer’s Conferences: Cape Cod Writers Center
The Cape Cod Writers Center Conference features a diversity of courses on the craft and business of writing, a mature audience and a breathtaking location.
Bottled & Canned: A Keeping Poetry Prompt
Have you ever found a bottle worth keeping? Have you ever collected a whole colorful line? Put it in poetry.
Writing Workshop: The Writing Life
A writing workshop that will go beyond the usual fare, as it helps you develop a lasting writing life.