A thank you note from near the koi pond. You might be there.
Poetry for Life. Start Here.
How do you go about changing lives with poetry? One student, one class at a time. Poetry for Life can start here.
Haiku in English: The First Hundred Years
One of the best resources for Haiku in English, this is a helpful book. Check out the wonderful sample haiku and maybe go haiku hunting in Emily Dickinson.
Revamping The Raven—and Other Writing Mischief
What does it mean to have a well-rounded writing approach? It might require a dog, a cup of tea, and Poe’s “The Raven.”
How to Write a Poem: Jealous Poem Stacks
English Teaching Resources: Poem stacks are good for starting something. Good for jealous days.
Tweetspeak Love: Darlene S.
We like to think Tweetspeak Love arises because of the care we take to help people explore their hearts and souls, and the measure of their power with words.
National Poetry Month Highlights: Tomas Tranströmer
Tomas Transtromer has been writing for a long time. It shows. Join us in celebrating his poetry and life this National Poetry Month!
How to Write a Poem (or a Hundred): The Poets
How to write a poem? It might take more than paper and pen (or keyboard). Get the best “in” on how to take your poems to the next level.
English Teaching Resources: Incidentally, Yahtzee is an English Game
Yahtzee is not just a math game. No kidding. Consider using it in English class.
English Teaching Resources: Incidentally, that Play-Doh Could Prevent a Homicide
Play-Doh prevents violence? Yes, if it’s part of play. Use it in your English Teaching and create a better world.
English Teaching Resources: Incidentally, That Lego Could Earn You Six Figures
English teaching resources that include legos? Yes. That lego could earn you big money someday. Go ahead, play.
Vote Which Poetry Org We Should Take to the Moon!
We’ve boldly asked FedEx to take us to the moon in their small business grant contest. Now you can choose what poetry org can come with us.
Poetry Date: Sisters Read Tolkien and One Wears Dagger
Plan a poetry date with a friend, sibling, co-worker, lover. Choose a poet, a venue, a snack or a drink, and read to each other. Today’s date: Tolkien!
English Teaching Resources: Incidentally, You Just Wrote for Three Hours
Our “Incidentally” column shares English Teaching Resources & opinions about the state of education, from a teacher who has worked the systems for almost 25 years. Today’s topic: teaching kids to write.
NYC Meetup: Ruby Garden Dreams 2014
Join us in NYC for our spring meet-up and National Poetry Month program: Ruby Garden Dreams.
Get Featured in Our How to Read a Poem Top 10!
Would you like to get featured in some of our upcoming How to Read a Poem Top 10s? Tweet your ideas, your poems, or your pictures to @tspoetry.
Poetry at Work, The Book: Introduction Excerpt
Poetry at Work, the book, provides practical tools for altering work cultures and our approaches to everything from the business meeting to the business crisis.
Doors & Passageways: Playlist & Poetry Prompt
Listen to our new Doors & Passageways playlist, then write a doors or passageways poem, including a line of the lyrics if you like.
English Teaching Resources: Incidentally, That’s a Chiasmus
Our “Incidentally” column shares English Teaching Resources from a teacher who has worked the systems for almost 25 years. Up today? Chiasmus.
Night Poetry: Stopping by Woods and Promises
Night poetry can be the poetry of promise. In the darkness, we can focus on what is most pressing, we can dream, we can make promises to ourselves or others