In a witty address at Purchase College, Lydia Davis helps you re-imagine your writing life, from dreams to peas.
Top 10 Picks at the Indianapolis Museum of Art
Here are five great reasons to love the Indianapolis Museum of Art, with 10 great art picks to bring those reasons alive.
Casual (The E-book is Here!)
You wanted us to publish your work in an e-book. We listened. Casual: A Little Book of Jeans Poem and Photos is here!
Shakespeare & Company: Write Me a Melody Poetry Prompt
Come write with us for a ballad poetry prompt or a sonnet poetry prompt, with Shakespeare as our guide.
Gold+ Partner Profile: Author & Publisher Laura Lynn Brown
Meet our new witty and warm Gold Partner, Laura Lynn Brown and learn a few secrets about writing inspiration and why you might want to be a partner too.
Shakespeare & Company: This One Doesn’t Belong Photo & Poetry Prompt
Strangeness arrests. It can cause inquiry, new vision, fear, a will to act (or not act). Let’s harness the power of strangeness in this week’s prompt.
Shakespeare & Company: Dream a Little Dream Prompt
Dream a little dream with us, in this Shakespeare poetry prompt. You can deny what the poem means, if anything at all. That’s the beauty of a dream.
Heroes and Villains Poetry Prompt: Lord of the Flies
The Lord of the Flies has strong villains and heroes, including the landscape itself. Use it as a source for your next poem?
10 Great Mother’s Day Gifts—for the Writing Mom
Looking for last-minute great Mother’s Day Gifts? If your mom is a writer (or you think she could be), these titles are for her.
Castle Conversations: Arianna Huffington at Manhattanville College
Manhattanville College serves up intriguing Castle Conversations, beginning with Arianna Huffington, a woman both visionary and down-to-earth.
Top Ten National Poetry Month Books and Tools!
Looking for the best National Poetry Month books and tools? From Billy Collins to haiku, from sonnets to cinnamon & jealous poem stacks, this list entices!
Read for Fun—It’s Time to Put the Love Back In
The Read for Fun movement began with a single tweet. It’s about books, love, and fun. Or maybe it’s about life.
The Poet is In: Ask Us Anything About Poetry
You have poetry questions. We have (some) poetry answers—and questions of our own. Join our latest discussion!
10 Spring Books to Help Kiss Winter Goodbye
Here are ten great “spring books” to help us coax spring to (please!) make her appearance. From nonfiction to poetry to creativity and writing titles.
Get in Our E-Book: Every Day Ideas
When you dip into your Every Day Poems to find lines for poem starters, you could get published in our upcoming Every Day Ideas 2015 ebook.
10 Luscious Love Poem Books for Your Valentine
Yes, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, but there is still time to treat your Love to one or more of these luscious love poem books.
Fifty Ways to Love Your Mother
Not sure how to love your Mother for Valentine’s Day? Check out these ways with words. From the poignant to the hilarious.
Congratulations and Writing Opportunity: Makes You Mom
A new website that could be a writing opportunity. You have a mom, right? There might be something you could write at Makes You Mom.
The Poet is In: Let’s Talk Sentimental Poetry
You wanted to know what makes for sentimental poetry. We’re here to answer that question and raise a few questions of our own.
Every Day Ideas: Poem Pinups
Now, when you share pictures of your Every Day Poem pinups, we’ll save them for possible inclusion in a special “Every Day Ideas” ebook in 2015.