One of the things I love about doing Every Day Poems is the way it brings various parts of my life together.
Drawing Poetry by the Lake
A good poem does that—offers multiple gifts upon multiple readings.
Write Your First Sestina: It’s a Matter of Pride
The sestina, like a song, helps us say what we want to say without really saying it.
Write Poetry for Books & Culture
Want to write poetry for Books & Culture?
What Color is Your Poem?
Our featured poet and photographer for the color writing and photography prompt.
Cataloging the Color of Your World
Can you write a color poem? We’ll feature two here and at The High Calling.
This is What a Poem’s Worth
Poems are everywhere, free for the taking. Yet they are worth so much.
How to Write a Catalog Poem (With or Without Words)
There is something primal about repetition, from drumbeats to heartbeats to modern pop music. If you are familiar with these, you may already know something about writing a catalog poem.
Twitter Poetry Party Tonight, 9:30-10:30 EST
What’s a Poem Worth?
What can you find for 99¢? We want to see.
Not Even the Poem
A poem that plays on R words. But maybe all good poems are plays on words.
Can We Crash Amazon Like Lady Gaga Did?
Special subscription offer for Every Day Poems, where we read and write poetry together. Get timely announcements for our Writing Projects and Twitter Poetry Parties.
How to Write a Catalog Poem (or Not)
What is a catalog poem, and is it easy to write? Check out the catalog poem definition and catalog poem samples, and give it a try.
Writing from Words
Find your poems-in-waiting, in these Wordles.
We’ve Got Our Wordle, Now We Want Yours
How about you? Would you consider Wordling, using some kind of poetic grist? What would you use?
Neruda’s Memoirs, Sneak Preview
We’ve got a cover for Maureen E. Doallas’s upcoming poetry collection, Neruda’s Memoirs. And here’s an excerpt of the title poem (Neruda’s Memoirs 🙂 ) … 2 Neruda said the closest thing to poetry is a loaf of bread or a ceramic dish or a piece of wood lovingly carved. So he poured his words […]
Delicate Machinery Cover Question
Tell us… which do you like better? The one to the left, or the one below? You can click on the covers to see larger versions. A description of Anne and a link to her poetry is here.
Random Acts of Poetry: Noel Ghosts
In a Random Acts of Poetry celebration, poet David K. Wheeler has invited us to write about our Christmas ghosts: past, present, or future.
Bring Your Own Tea to the Twitter Party
we’d like you to drink the tea of your choice at the party, and tweet a photo of your favorite tea cup sometime during the proceedings
We’re Giving Away Barbies
One day, Marcus Goodyear was sitting at Communion, and his daughter was playing with Barbies. That moment turned into the marvelous poem “Barbies at Communion.”