Thomas Merton continues to exert a significant pull on the imagination, the intellect, and the conscience.
Maya Angelou: The Poetry and Life of Reinvention
Maya Angelou was an unlikely candidate for literary success. But she reinvented herself, more than once.
Poets and Poems: Ron Padgett and “Collected Poems”
“Collected Poems” by Ron Padgett covers more than 50 years of work, summing up a life lived in the creation of poetry.
Poets and Poems: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and “Prussian Nights”
“Prussian Nights” by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn reminds us that victory in war doesn’t automatically mean moral superiority over an enemy.
Poets and Poems: Robert Frost, Wendell Berry, and the Woods
Comparing two poems – one by Robert Frost and one by Wendell Berry – allows insights into the minds of both poets we might not have otherwise.
Poets and Poems: Robert Frost and “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”
“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost helped define poetry for millions of American Baby Boomers. It is still influential today.
Poets and Poems: J.P. Dancing Bear’s “The Abandoned Eye”
The poems in J.P. Dancing Bear’s “The Abandoned Eye” cut like razor blades, removing what we use to hide and obscure.
Poetry at Work: The Poetry of Institutional Memory
With access to technology, the Internet and new tools, organizations have come to believe institutional memory is not important. They’re wrong.
Poets and Poems: “Caribou” by Charles Wright
“Caribou, ” the new collection of poems by Charles Wright, is about memory, what has passed, and what is gone, and the realizations that come only with age.
Literary Tour: Faulkner House Books, New Orleans
Faulkner House Books is a literary landmark in New Orleans – the place where William Faulkner wrote stories, poems and the novel “Soldier’s Pay.”
Poets and Poems: L.L. Barkat’s “Love, Etc.”
Love Etc. reminds us what eternity is, and what part of it is contained within ourselves.
Poets and Poems: Brian Gardner’s “Up the Line to Death: The War Poets 1914-1918”
Brian Gardner’s “Up the Line to Death” preserves many great poets and poems of World War I.
Poets and Poems: Nicholas Samaras’ “American Psalm World Psalm”
Poets and Poems considers a new collection of 150 poems by Nicholas Samaras, each in the form of a psalm. “American Psalm, World Psalm” speaks to the heart.
Poets and Poems: “Selected Poems 1923-1975” by Robert Penn Warren
Poets and Poems features “Selected Poems 1923-1975, ” which reflects the poetic maturity of Robert Penn Warren’s work of than 60 years.
The Poetry of Walking, History and Houses
A stroll, even in familiar neighborhoods, can prompt reflection, imagination, discovery, and insight. Perhaps it could be called the poetry of walking.
Poets and Poems: Scott Cairns’ “Idiot Psalms”
Poets and Poems: Scott Cairns’s “Idiot Psalms” demonstrates his skill as one of the most accomplished poets writing about the human heart today.
Poets and Poems: Gwendolyn Brooks’ ‘Selected Poems’
Poets and poems: Gwendolyn Brooks, the first African-American to receive the Pulitzer Prize, wrote about the people she knew and the history always with us.
Poetry at Work: The Poetry of Regime Change
There is poetry at work in the most convulsive of organizational upheavals, often called regime change. Charles Bukowski’s poem helps understanding.
Poets and Poems: Robin Robertson’s “The Wrecking Light”
Poets and Poems: To read Robin Robertson’s “The Wrecking Light” is to walk in the poetry of identity, place, geography, mythology, geography — and more.
Poets and Poems: Amy Billone’s “The Light Changes”
Amy Billone’s “The Light Changes: Poems” begins with a young woman throwing herself in front of a train—not what you expect from poets and poems.