Welcome to this week’s poetry club tea date!
Get your favorite steep (or brew) and join us in writing a quick poem based on the following line, submitted by Every Day Poems reader Katie Brewster. The line is from the recent poem delivery Peacock Feather by Effie Lee Newsome.
minted dust of stars
Your Pour
Take a moment to write a poem based on the shared line. Then add to the comment box (with a touch of cream and sugar) so other club members can enjoy.
Looking for more inspiring lines? Check out the Every Day Poems poetry club room, where we feature additional favorite lines submitted by readers.
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L.L. Barkat says
the coin-purse
of you
minted dust of stars
Katie says
Asterisks as stars – brilliant!
I love this, L.L. and I think I love the line: “molten sunset sheen”
in Peacock Feather just as much as “minted dust of stars”
L.L. Barkat says
Aw. 🙂 Thanks, Katie!
It’s a beautiful poem all ’round, the peacock one, yes.
Jessica Morgan says
We are born
Minted dust of stars
Naked and afraid
We emerge
Glowing embers
Ashes of night
Becoming wise
We die
Burning flames
Incandescent light
Sweet full circle
L.L. Barkat says
Jessica, welcome to writing with us! 🙂 In your poem, I like the movement from birth, to life, to beyond.
Tucker D says
Love this!
Katie Brewster says
Oh, Jessica – I am SO glad that Tucker just commented on this or I would have missed your DELIGHTFUL poem! 🙂
Sandra Fox Murphy says
This is lovely in its sounds and verbs. Its story. That last stanza reminded me of a long-ago poem of mine called Aura–the burning and incandescent light. All from some minted stardust!
Sandra Fox Murphy says
You always say so much in so few words! Love this.
Matthew Kreider says
the water and spirals
turn again as the night
our stars
and shavings
and we are tiny
and silver
as steam again
rising from the circle-
deep as our still-
as peppermint
leaves on the clear tea-
the poems and spirals
rewind once again
and then
to grip
the metal gift
the invitation
the one which would always
stir open
a door to the streaming
path of iridescence
now pouring
thousands of mints into your eyes
Matthew Kreider says
* I had hoped my asterisks would spiral and wind about the white space, like Laura’s. 🙂
Matthew Kreider says
Oh! And some of those lines were meant to be indented—greens, fall, loose, steep, to grip, stir open, now pouring.
Oh well. 🙂
L.L. Barkat says
Fixed. 🙂
If you want the spaces to show up in the future, you can use the html code:
& nbsp; (but without the space between the & and the nbsp;, which I only had to put there so it wouldn’t show up as just a space!)
and that will do it!
Matthew Kreider says
Thank you!
Katie Brewster says
Beautiful, Matthew!
Sandra Fox Murphy says
Love it. “steep as peppermint leaves on the clear tea-wind” …. love this line and it play.
maxrt117 says
I believe in the minted dust of stars,
rising from unseen milky stems—
delicately masked flowers, flakes
shaken from the Diamond Frost
on the hillside and scattered
like wishes deep into the night sky.
Matthew Kreider says
What a beautiful image! From the moment of those “milky stems” —and then scattered “deep into the night sky.” Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Deborah says
minted dust of stars
scattered in a dark sky
open an expanse
wider than
knowledge knows
revealing spirit’s
deep desire
Katie says
Beautiful, Deborah:)
Deborah Dybowski says
Thank you, Katie. I am pleased you like my poem. I very much appreciate
your response.
Cindy Thompson says
Silver minted dust of stars cascades
spilling out sweet-kiss promises
before the dawn’s golden glow
bestows a crown of light
awakening earth
giving her hope
leading her
L.L. Barkat says
I like that you chose the nonet for how it mirrors that cascade you begin with. Nice match of meaning and structure (and, of course, structure really can be meaning, too, which is what I… mean 😉 )
CINDY Thompson says
It’s good that you got the meaning of the form mirroring the word cascade which should have an s on the end of it — cascades! I truly thought I had corrected it before I posted. This was a fun prompt. Thank you!
Sandra Fox Murphy says
I always love a sweet nonet and L.L.’s comment on how it mirrors the cascade. Love the “crown of light,”
S. D. Kilmer says
This New Day
by S. D. Kilmer
It’s been
A very long day
Of 8,760 hours.
I stumble to the morning table.
Pouring into my cup
Brew of black gold
Add a bit of crystalline snow
Sweetest from the heavens you know.
Rejuvenation comes only when
I’ve gazed into my cup
And have seen
Freshly minted dust of stars.
This new day will now take me far.
Copyright ©️ 2021 HeardWords America
Bill Stark says
I’m a bit new to this, but here we go!
Although the stars beam bright with glee
Their dust is not a rarity
Their winds and air refract the light
Then twinkle for our own delight
And if we minted all their dust
A polished it so not to rust
We’d still transcend their lovely glow
A soul’s great worth, shines more I know
Bill Stark says
*And polished it, so not to rust
Cindy Thompson says
Lovely! Thanks for carrying on the minted dust of stars.
Bala Venkata Subbarayudu Chilukuri says
Star Dust from my heart!
Bala Chilukuri
The fragments of my heart aglow
Myriad minted dust of stars
And lit by an infinite brilliant source
They harken musical winds that blow
To bring a smile to the weary-eyed
They change their hues and fly
Like divine angels seen anywhere
Where heavenly streams flow
In the blues from the eyes of Darce
They dance like the pretty Venus and Mars
In the supreme cosmic dance on show
They leave divine astral trails of pride
As countless showering blessings fly
From my heart now, here and everywhere.
L.L. Barkat says
Bala, this is lovely. Thank you for sharing. 🙂
Sharmila Mitra says
Old tea cups
minted dust of stars
let us sip the smoky scent
L.L. Barkat says
Really liking how the form of the poem feels like the pour of tea (and it’s a beautiful poem, too 🙂 )