Thank You Notes is a monthly prompt that focuses on expressing our thanks to a particular person, place, or thing—in poems, paragraphs, or pictures. This month, we’re crafting thank-you’s to Toys.
Prompt Guidelines and Options
1. Be specific. Think nouns instead of adjectives. If you are crafting a pictorial thanks, show us something unusual or intriguing that we might not have otherwise noticed if we hadn’t seen your picture.
2. Consider fitting the form of your poem, paragraph, or picture to mirror the nature of the person, place, or thing to which you are expressing thanks. A sonnet is different from a villanelle, for instance. Maybe one would be more fitting than the other.
3. Consider playing Taboo and try writing without using the words and phrases thanks, thank you, gratitude, or grateful.
4. Consider doing a little research about your subject: its history, associated words (and their etymologies), music, art, sculpture, architecture, fashion, science, and so on. Look for unusual details.
That’s it! We look forward to your creative thank you notes.
A Bit of Inspiration: “The Little Monster” Toy
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Photo by Chris Murray, Creative Commons, via Flickr.
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Bethany R. says
Love that video (and its music). What a fun prompt and fitting with the Play it Forward: Writing Workshop coming up!
I’m putting my thinking cap on, or maybe I should just play with it. 😉
Monica Sharman says
Why I Never Misspell “Tomorrow”
My dearest Speak ‘n’ Spell—
1970s-red, goldenrod bordered keyboard,
and a handle that meant I wouldn’t let go—
because of you, I will always recognize tomorrow,
will never mistake it for having more
than two mountains to climb in a single ‘m’.
You tell me: Let things double-R roll off your back.
Double-R roll with the punches. Such finality,
such confidence in your voice.
You concluded the sound of ‘r’
in undulating inflection,
and you always said it
Bethany R. says
Monica, this is fabulous! This stanza in particular made me smile:
“I will always recognize tomorrow,
will never mistake it for having more
than two mountains to climb in a single ‘m’.”
I spent hours with my Speak ‘n’ Spell too! One of my funnest memories with a cousin of mine, was the summer they visited where he and I would get in hysterics having the device repeat a certain word. There’s something about that voice.
Monica Sharman says
I know, I can still hear it! If I write another poem for this prompt, it will surely be about another retro toy.
L.L. Barkat says
I absolutely love this, Monica! 🙂
I especially love how your philosophic side makes its way seamlessly into your poems more and more these days. (Some of your math and science poems are still with me from prompts in the last few months.)
Monica Sharman says
Thanks! Made my day, especially the “seamlessly” — the philosophic side, at least for this poem, was not really intentional, but the words just sort of presented themselves that way, I guess.
Monica Sharman says
Okay, I just went shopping for my 6-year-old nephew and found this at Barnes & Noble: Simon! That old pattern recognition and memory game, still available decades later. So of course I had to write a poem for it:
Simon. I repeat, Simon.
Remember me?
Your quarter-circle buttons
were just the right size,
each in primary green, yellow,
red, or blue. Colors flashed,
each with its own
tone, its own position
in the circle.
I would have called you
impossible, but—
color, tone, physical position—
you gave me three ways
to remember your patterns
building bit by bit. You added
just one to the one before,
and before I knew it,
I had the entire sequence
Bethany says
“Your quarter-circle buttons
were just the right size”
I just love this, Monica, and it brings back happy memories too.
Sharon A Gibbs says
The Monster 3 video and music was so much fun!
Okay, I am giving this a whirl. All this recent talk about play has me thinking (and writing).
Jump Rope, Circa ‘69
My friends and I jumped as your loops
kissed the school ground blacktop.
Your woven cord and wooden handles
held our attention for hours.
Over our heads and under our feet,
your rhythm and timing whisked around us.
We sang Mabel, Mabel set the table,
chirped about bluebells and cockleshells.
We slipped inside your folds of Double-dutch,
got lost in your reaches and our chants.
You patted the pavement as we
spryly skipped to Red Hot Pepper.
You taught me patience and balance,
trust and taking turns.
All those times I skipped rope home
in pretty dresses and patent leather—
not yet knowing this play was
more than just a game.
Bethany Rohde says
So many delightful lines. Love this: “We slipped inside your folds of Double-dutch” I wrote something recently that mentioned double-dutch and it took me quite a while to settle on how to describe “jumping in.” This is perfect.
Sharon A Gibbs says
Bethany, Thanks for the comment. Being new to poetry writing, I feel very vulnerable when I post, not because I feel unsafe but because I know I have lots to learn. My mind wanders to L.L. Barkat’s May 6th Facebook questions and the rich conversation that ensued. I really like your comment about writers giving some sort of statement about the level of feedback they are looking for. 😉
Bethany says
Thanks for this, Sharon. I’m happy you’re creating poems and allowing us to read and enjoy your words. I hope you do so again. 🙂
Karen J says
Maybe not necessarily a “toy” – but a childhood favorite nonetheless.
Ode to the Magic Markers
It was only but the best of make-believe,
And oh, for me, so much of a reprieve
For a weary mind or a dreary day
Or when my energy sagged for run and play.
Eight in a box, a rainbow of colors
The paper, an unmade bed, awaiting a cover.
My mind drifted aimlessly to doodles and squiggles,
And created new worlds of castles and riddles.
As I balanced my fingers around the chubby, round grip,
I can still see the vibrancy of the diamond shaped tip.
My ear remembers the sound of the squeaky and the sharp-
Straight and narrow, wide and curvy- into pictures they would warp.
I miss the lazy days of nothing to do
And love that children ever and again still turn to you
For a release of whatever runs wildly through head and heart.
You are timeless, undoubtedly permanent, and joy a-la-carte.
L.L. Barkat says
Oh, that squeaky sound. Yes, I remember! 🙂
(Fun phrase in the last line: “undoubtedly permanent.”)
Bethany says
Fun to think about all the creative freedom of a fresh box of markers can bring. So glad you shared this, Karen! 😀
Katie says
Crazy colors
Rolling off the table
Arts and crafts
Yarn skeins
Oven baked dough
Let your imagination
And creativity run wild
Jump in
Get hands messy
Try whatever you like
There’s no right or wrong answer in
Art class
hands were made to make
anything your mind makes up
make-believe, invent