A few months ago, I purchased and read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing after hearing the book and its techniques mentioned on several occasions. Since I tend to be kind of a neatnik myself, I thought the title might offer me new tricks for handling the clutter that is my 21st Century North American life with a husband and three teenagers. (Can you say 10 pairs of shoes at the door even now?)
After reading the book, however, I was not quite convinced. The KonMari method, coined after the author’s name, Marie Kondo, consists of one marathon tidying spree over a period of about six months with the guarantee that my “life will change dramatically, ” I’ll feel “my whole world brighten, ” and I will “never again … revert to clutter.”
Not one to ditch a book, or a new idea, too quickly, when I stumbled on a recent New York Times article about Kondo’s book and method, I decided to give KonMari another try. Maybe reading someone else’s perspective would help me see what I had missed and allow me to put my house in order the KonMari way, afterall? The article, which included scathing indictments of the method by professional organizers from the United States, served only to confirm that I would not become a “Konvert.” At least not when it came to organizing my home.
When I read the Times article, though, I did see how some of the KonMari principles might work when revising or self-editing a piece of writing. If there’s one thing I do more than any other as an editor and writing coach, it’s dealing with the clutter of words on the page. For some writers, it’s using too many words to say something simple. Others string words together in the wrong order. Still others hang on to words that sound good at the time they were written but don’t fit in the latest draft.
By adapting four principles of KonMari, we can bring a little word-changing magic to our upcoming writing projects by discarding first, keeping only what brings us joy, thanking the words we decide to cut, and addressing problems by category. Ready?
1. Discarding First
One of the basic principles of KonMari is this: “Tidy in the right order.” That means begin with discarding, which happens to be great advice for revising your writing, too.
“Omit needless words, ” advise Strunk and White in The Elements of Style. And their point is simple: when you cut first, your writing is better. No more wasting time to ensure all your commas are in the right place when some of those sentences won’t even be in the final draft. Also, when you cut first, you aren’t tempted to hold on to needless words simply because you’ve filled your word count quota. Don’t let an assigned word count alone determine whether your writing is precise and succinct.
Discard first. Tighten up descriptions. Remove unnecessary turns of phrase. Choose active verbs. Make precise word choices so you can say more with less.
2. Sparking Joy
If Kondo were your editor, she might tweak Strunk and White’s “needless words” advice to “Omit joyless words.” Afterall, holding each one of your possessions in your hands and asking, “Does this spark joy?” is the KonMari way of discarding. Why not ask the same thing of each word, sentence, and paragraph?
I’ll admit, I giggle at the image of writers everywhere cutting apart their printed essays and stories and holding tiny strips of paper in their hands, one sentence at a time, and asking, “Does this bring me joy?”
But humor aside, shouldn’t your writing at least bring you satisfaction? Shouldn’t a well-crafted sentence or a beautifully-constructed metaphor or a masterfully-penned turn of phrase put a little smile on our faces? Even if “joy” isn’t quite what we’re after, shouldn’t we want to discard anything in our writing that doesn’t sing?
Then there’s the issue of whether the words all work together, whether that excellent bit of dialogue you dropped into an earlier draft still fits now. “Your eloquence should be the servant of the ideas in your head, ” Kurt Vonnegut wrote in How to Use the Power of the Printed Word. “Your rule might be this: If a sentence, no matter how excellent, does not illuminate your subject in some new and useful way, scratch it out.”
Take what you’ve written. Read it aloud paragraph by paragraph. Listen to your words and take note of how you feel. If something isn’t working, discard it. Or at least consider rewriting it.
3. Thanking Our Words
I confess this was one of the hardest parts of KonMari for me to swallow. Kondo suggests that once you’ve decided to discard an item that no longer brings you joy, you say to it, “Thank you for your hard work” or, “Thank you for bringing me joy when I first bought you.”
That’s right. Kondo suggests talking to your possessions. But kookiness aside, there’s something important at the heart of this KonMari principle that might help us as writers.
One of the reasons it’s hard to trim down our writing is that our words are so personal. They represent who we are. Simply highlighting our words and hitting the delete key seems so abrupt. Will I ever be able to write those words that way again?
Perhaps the KonMari prescription for “acknowledging their contribution and letting them go with gratitude” is the kind of honor we need to give the words we decide not to keep. For without those early words, we probably never would have gotten to our final draft. As Susan Sontag said, “I don’t write easily or rapidly. My first draft usually has only a few elements worth keeping. I have to find what those are and build from them and throw out what doesn’t work, or what simply is not alive.”
So as you are cutting, pause occasionally. Look closely at the words you have highlighted. Before you hit delete, recognize that even these words on the chopping block are an important part of your work. And if you are alone, maybe even whisper a quick, “Thank you.”
4. Addressing Problems by Category
Another key to the KonMari method is tidying by category, not just by room. This way, for example, you reunite all the clothing that is strewn about your home on the backs of chairs, in the guest closet, in the laundry basket, and under the bed. Then, Kondo says, we avoid “repeating the same work in many locations and become locked into a vicious circle of tidying.”
When it comes to your writing, this same principle applies. After you’ve discarded or tightened your writing, consider the structure of your entire piece. Are chapters in the right order? Paragraphs? Sentences? Next, analyze the length and structure of your sentences. How can you add more variety to spice up your writing?
Now what? Consider your word choices throughout the entirety. Is there a better, more descriptive word you could choose? Could you trim down your piece even further by choosing one precise word to replace several others attempting to communicate the same idea? Next, look at your grammar and punctuation. Have you stuck to the style guide? Have you been consistent? Finally, look out for your own common mistakes or pet words, punctuation, and style. Have you overused the word “that”? Did you mistake “there” and “their” like you usually do?
I’m not so bold as KonMari to say that “your real life [or writing] begins after putting your house [or essay, short story, or memoir] in order.” But I will guarantee that your writing will benefit from any attention — and gratitude — you bring to it. That’s what I call the SingCraChar promise. 😉
Photo by Dimitar Atanasov, Creative Commons license via Flickr. Post by Charity Singleton Craig, co-author of On Being a Writer: 12 Simple Habits for a Writing Life that Lasts.
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Laura (L.L.) Barkat says
I love cutting my words. Isn’t that odd?
Maybe it’s the way I always felt as a child, too, when vacuuming up the pine needles after Christmas had left a thick carpet of them on the floor. However, I am not a neatnik ;-).
I did get the book from the library, tried to read it (failed immediately; how daunting an approach!), and took the book’s advice (“addressing problems by category”: put all books by the door to be returned to the library regardless of whether or not they’ve been read 😉 ).
My favorite tip here for writing: discard first. (After getting that first draft out, of course!)
Charity Singleton Craig says
I never mind cutting my words either … at least most of my words. Sometimes I hold on to certain phrases or sentences beyond their usefulness.
I was intrigued by the very strong responses against KonMari from the New York Times article. There were many things about the method I really like, but I can’t figure out how they would apply to my family. I don’t have one room in my house that I don’t share with someone, which means we’d all have to buy into this process.
My writing, on the other hand, is all mine. Maybe that’s why the applications seemed so obvious to me.
Laura (L.L.) Barkat says
Ah! Yes, so one’s writing can be the “room of one’s own.” 🙂
(Because, goodness knows, I can’t keep up with the tide that is people-who-don’t-buy-into-tidiness either. 😉 )
Sandra Heska King says
SingChaChar promise. That gives me joy!
As I discarded things that once gave me joy, but no longer, I took pictures of them rather than say goodbye forever yet. Maybe we could take pictures of our words before we chop them up. 😉
Charity Singleton Craig says
I like that idea, Sandy. Here’s another thing I do. I move all the cut words into a file of their own. Sometimes, they turn into something new. Sometimes, I have to go back and delete them later. But “later” I’m usually more ready to let them go. I don’t thing Marie Kondo would approve of this two-step process, but such is life!
Megan Willome says
I like that, Charity. In fact, #3 was the one that resonated the most with me. Often the things I cut are good, but they just don’t fit with the final.
While I’m writing an article, I always have a final page titled LEFTOVERS, where I paste the things I’ve cut. It stays until I send it in because sometimes I’ll steal back a phrase or two. But like you said, in the end, I’m usually ready to let those leftovers go, even the ones that were pretty darn good.
Charity Singleton Craig says
We have a similar process, Megan! In fact, it didn’t fit neatly within the KonMari method, but I find that often one of the best revision techniques is putting things in the right order. So sometimes the things we cut don’t need to be cut at all. They just need to be moved.
Thanks for your comment.
Sandra Heska King says
Bethany says
Charity, what a helpful application of this tidying method! Thank you.
Charity Singleton Craig says
Thanks, Bethany!
Ann Borger says
I downsized six years ago, but have accumulated typical middle-class clutter since. By investing in Kondo’s process I managed to clear five years worth of excess from boxes, closets and shelves. A year later I have (sort of) applied it to my books, office supplies and paper files. I suspect her method can only work if you live alone. Clearing out shared stuff or kid’s stuff is a mine field.
Charity Singleton Craig says
I agree about living alone, Ann. Interesting that you were able to use the KonMari method over time. I think there were definite aspects to her program that I found useful. Glad you have found it so as well.
Diana Trautwein says
Lovely application of a book I had a hard time with! Fits much better with writing, I think. I read it as I prepared to move/downsize and it simply wasn’t efficient enough! Aside from books and clothes, which were categorically sifted, I went room by room and it worked better for me.
Charity Singleton Craig says
I find room by room works better for me for cleaning, too, Diana. I don’t like clutter, and while it certainly accumulates in a house of five, I make very short cycles around the house to deal with it once or twice a day, and it seems very effective. Thanks for your comment!
Jen says
I think I like the general idea of KonMari… until she talks about getting rid of books you haven’t read yet. NOPE! I like having all those shelves of possibilities! (although I have gotten better about weeding out things I have no intention of re/reading… :))
Anyway! I really like this application. Cut first is the single most helpful bit of writing advice I’ve taken to heart. I’d say the first paragraph of almost any rough draft I write is the first thing to go.
Bethany says
That would definitely be an issue for me too, Jen! Leave the library alone. 😉 Isn’t it interesting how those first sentences are so useful for getting things going, but don’t necessarily stick around for the final draft?
Thanks for commenting here, and welcome to the Tweetspeak Poetry community!
Charity Singleton Craig says
I’m with you, Jen. Step away from the books, and no one gets hurt! 🙂 Glad this approach to writing resonated with you and your process.